Concepts in Surgical Critical Care

Concepts in Surgical Critical Care

Concepts in Surgical Critical Care

With more surgical patients requiring special perioperative care in an intensive care unit (ICU), there is an increased demand for Advanced Practice Providers (APPs) who are equipped to care for them. However, APPs such as Physician Assistants (PAs) or Nurse Practitioners (NPs) have limited specialized training and exposure to the unique needs of the perioperative critically-ill population. That’s where this book can help. Concepts in Surgical Critical Care is an indispensable resource for the APP, non-surgical intensivist, or non-intensivist surgeon who regularly provides critical care for surgical patients.

It features a user-friendly organization designed for quick reference while at the bedside of patients or in an office. It starts with foundational critical care topics across all surgical specialties and is followed by the specifics, including gastrointestinal surgery, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, obstetrics, and more. Concepts in Surgical Critical Care is a unique resource written by APPs to help APPs provide superior care for their perioperative critically-ill patients.




ABSITE Slayer, 2nd Edition

ABSITE Slayer, 2nd Edition 

Focusing specifically on the American Board of Surgery In-Training Examination, ABSITE Slayer reduces pre-test anxiety and provides the knowledge and confidence you need to pass the exam. Packed with critical, up-to-date information, this powerful study aid provides a complete framework for your exam preparation and is highly efficient for last-minute review, as well. You’ll find everything you need to ace the exam in one comprehensive package―from full-color illustrations to “make or break” tips―delivered by expert authors who know exactly what it takes to succeed.

What makes ABSITE Slayer the leading study aid on the market?

  • 450+ multiple-choice and 1,000+ quick-hit single answer questions
  • Test-taking tips that can make the difference between success and failure
  • Full-color illustrations of must-know anatomy
  • Valuable clinical pearls
  • Easy-to-retain concise text
  • Logical organ-based organization
  • Chapters on pharmacology, anesthesia, cell biology, and fluids/electrolytes/nutrition




Srb’s Manual of Surgery 6th edition

Srb’s Manual of Surgery 6th edition

Srb’s Manual of Surgery 6th edition

This sixth edition, of nearly 1300 pages, is a comprehensive guide to the complete field of surgery for undergraduate medical students.

The book covers surgical procedures for disorders in all systems of the body and includes discussion on surgical anatomy.

Each topic has been fully revised and expanded to include the very latest information in the specialty.

Recent grading and staging of malignant conditions are discussed in depth and the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) 8thEdition has been added to this new edition.


The sixth edition is highly illustrated with 3000 clinical photographs and figures and key points for each disorder are highlighted in boxes. The style, formatting and font variations have been updated in this edition to help students understand and prepare for examinations.


OSCEs for Medical and Surgical Finals

OSCEs for Medical and Surgical Finals

OSCEs for Medical and Surgical Finals

Throughout the UK, and elsewhere, medical schools are focusing more on objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) and veering away from old style medical and surgical finals. OSCEs for Medical and Surgical Finals takes a systematic approach to preparing for these new exams, giving you crucial insights into how to score well.


Written by junior doctors who recently sat the exams, this book will show you how to predict and prepare for the stations you will face. As it leads you through the cases and the examiners’ mark sheets, it teaches you how to pick up every point, with extra tips on how to impress and where to go to add to your practice and experience.

For overseas doctors, this book also provides essential preparation for the clinical component of the PLAB exam.



DrExam Part B MRCS OSCE Revision Guide Book 1

DrExam Part B MRCS OSCE Revision Guide Book 1: Applied Surgical Science & Critical Care, Anatomy & Surgical Pathology, Surgical Skills & Patient Safety 1st Edition

DrExam Part B MRCS OSCE Revision Guide Book 1

Presented in a structured question-and-answer format, the first book of this comprehensive reference addresses the revised syllabus of the Membership of the Royal College Surgeons’ (MRCS) Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). Beneficial to MRCS OSCE candidates as well as to surgeons, doctors, and medical practitioners, this didactic guide covers the important aspects of surgical radiology, applied surgical science, critical care, anatomy, surgical pathology, operative surgery, surgical skills, principles of surgery, and patient safety. Chapters on communication skills, ethics, and history-taking skills are also included.




Essential Radiological Anatomy for the MRCS

Essential Radiological Anatomy for the MRCS

Essential Radiological Anatomy for the MRCS

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Over recent years the MRCS viva examination has increasingly made use of radiological imaging to facilitate the discussion of anatomy relevant to surgical practice. It is rare for junior doctors to receive adequate exposure to radiology in their day-to-day surgical practice, which makes preparation for this part of the examination difficult. For many, examinations are stressful. The last thing a candidate needs is to be faced with unfamiliar radiological images. This review of surgically relevant radiological imaging aims to prevent initial uncertainties and will allow candidates to discuss relevant anatomy and score valuable points. An invaluable addition to any revision plan, this title also: • highlights typical anatomy viva questions • familiarizes candidates with a range of images of differing modalities (plain film, fluoroscopy, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging) • introduces different planes of imaging, enabling candidates to deal with unusual coronal or sagittal views with confidence • gives concise but detailed notes for quick consultation




Focused Clinical Examination for MRCS Finals (OSCE)

Focused Clinical Examination for MRCS Finals (OSCE)

Focused Clinical Examination for MRCS Finals (OSCE)

In the new-style MRCS OSCE examination, clinical examination and skills are
tested alongside core knowledge and fundamental surgical principles, and its
application in everyday practice. This book provides a focused approach to
the individual clinical examination stations and highlights essential aspects
that the candidate should cover in each station to accrue sufficient marks to
pass the clinical examination component of the OSCE. In addition, the types
of clinical scenarios and some of the commonly asked questions in the various
stations are also highlighted.





Anatomy for the FRCA

Anatomy for the FRCA

Anatomy for the FRCA

Anatomy questions are asked in all parts of the FRCA examinations, and for many trainees it is a particularly daunting part of the exams. This important new book provides a comprehensive, exam-orientated clinical anatomy book for anaesthetists preparing for all parts of the FRCA. It covers all body regions, relating underlying anatomy to practical procedures and anatomical principles, spanning the breadth of the curriculum and comprising exam-style questions: a chapter of SAQ questions, one of OSCE stations, one of SOE questions and one of MCQs. The text is highly illustrated in full colour with ultrasound images, diagrams and photographs of cadaveric material and models. This is the first anatomy book specifically orientated for the FRCA exam, making it an essential resource for anaesthetists preparing for all parts of the FRCA examination.







Basic Science for the MRCS: A revision guide for surgical trainees (MRCS Study Guides) 3rd Edition

Basic Science for the MRCS: A revision guide for surgical trainees (MRCS Study Guides) 3rd Edition

This is a concise revision guide to the core basic sciences for all surgical trainees preparing for Part A of the Intercollegiate MRCS examination. Covering anatomy, physiology and pathology it has been written in a style to facilitate easy learning of the essential facts, with indications of both their clinical relevance and importance. This book concentrates on those topics which tend to be recurring examination themes for initial surgical training. It will be an invaluable resource for the basic surgical trainee as well as proving useful for those in higher surgical training and for the surgically-inclined, well-motivated student.

  • The book covers in one volume all the essentials of the basic sciences – anatomy, physiology and pathology – to aid the candidate for the MRCS examination.
  • In covering the applied basic science the books explains the application and clinical relevance of the three sciences.
  • The text is written in an appropriate ‘bullet-point’ style to allow easy reading rapid exam preparation.
  • The contents concentrate on the recurring common themes of the examination, thus helping direct appropriate learning and focussing on the specific important areas of knowledge.
  • The book is illustrated with clear line drawings which are clearly annotated to aid learning.
  • Now available on StudentConsult with a downloadable ebook version included.
  • 250 new online single-best answer questions in the format of the MRCS Part A examination will give the reader valuable experience in assessing their knowledge. Each answer will refer back to text for further reading as required.
  • New and updated OSCE ‘Clinical scenarios’ will be included at the end of every chapter.



Practice Questions in Trauma and Orthopaedics for the FRCS (MasterPass) 1st Edition

Practice Questions in Trauma and Orthopaedics for the FRCS (MasterPass) 1st Edition

This book includes a foreword by Nicola Maffulli, Professor of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, Keele University School of Medicine, and Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon, North Staffordshire Royal Infirmary and City General Hospital, Staffordshire. The new structure of the Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS) examination requires candidates to complete two papers in extended matching question (EMQ) and multiple choice question (MCQ) format. This invaluable revision aid contains a ‘bank’ of over 350 questions in self-test format. Comprehensive answers are detailed at the end of each section. With a focus on high-yield topics, students can choose use the resource in the early stages as an overview of the subjects, then later as an ideal exam revision aid. There’s nothing else like it! Specialist registrars preparing for the FRCS (Trauma and Orthopaedics) examination will find this an essential revision aid. It is also useful for Basic Surgical Trainees preparing for the Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) examination.






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