Molecular Pathology of the Prions (Methods in Molecular Medicine) 2001st Edition
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Internationally recognized investigators review the latest developments in, and novel approaches to, understanding the prion protein and prion diseases at the molecular level. Utilizing a variety of cutting-edge techniques, these distinguished scientists seek to define the normal function of a prion protein, to detect and measure the early immune response to prion disease, and to discover possible therapeutic targets. They also use transgenic mice and new electrophysiological investigations to elucidate the pathogenetic mechanisms involved in prion diseases. State-of-the-art and richly insightful, Molecular Pathology of the Prions captures for basic and clinical neuropathologists the latest developments and approaches to understanding the pathogenesis of prion diseases, and by analogy suggests possible research techniques for the more common proteinopthies, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
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