Molecular Hematology 4th Edition

Molecular Hematology 4th Edition

Molecular Hematology is a comprehensive resource for hematologists to increase their understanding of the molecular basis of various blood diseases, their pathogeneses, and current and emerging molecular research and therapies. The impact of molecular research on the field of hematology is significant―molecular techniques are continuing to play a central role in in the diagnosis and treatment of blood diseases. Molecular characterization of genes and proteins has increased our comprehension of the causes of hematological diseases and led to the development of new drug therapies and recombinant proteins.


Now in its fourth edition, Molecular Hematology has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect current advances in molecular research. Chapters introduce and summarize specific disorders, such as hemophilia, anemia, and multiple myeloma, and illustrate the impact of molecular research on their diagnoses and treatments. Contributions written by respected clinicians and researchers offer accessible coverage of topics including lymphoma genetics, molecular coagulation and thrombophilia, platelet disorders, pharmacogenomics, and many others.

  • Demonstrates the clinical relevance of molecular biology in hematology
  • Provides overviews of recent advances in cancer-cell biology, with an emphasis on leukemia and lymphoma
  • Offers new and updated chapters written by an international team of experts in the field
  • Presents new full-color charts, graphs, and illustrations
  • Includes access to a Wiley Companion Digital Edition providing search across the book, downloadable illustrations and notation tools

Molecular Hematology is an essential volume for both trainee and practicing hematologists and oncologists, molecular biologists, and research scientists working in the field of hematology.





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