Mnemonics for Radiologists and FRCR 2B Viva Preparation: A Systematic Approach (Masterpass) 1st Edition

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Revising for the final FRCR examination is a challenging task. The candidate has to balance their revision time between image interpretation practice, learning facts and refining presentation skills. Whilst it is better to gain an understanding of the underlying mechanisms that result in a radiological abnormality, it is an unavoidable truth that some things just have to be rote learned. This revision guide demonstrates a proven mechanism for organising thoughts, directing revision towards the more important diagnoses and providing clarity when confronted with the mountain of information expected to retained and recalled during the FRCR viva exam. Mnemonics typically uses word-based cues to enhance memory, reduce cognitive load and aid learning. This guide relies on acronyms and acrostics – proven to be highly effective for rote learning and focused revision. FRCR examination candidates will appreciate the unified structure throughout, with extensive use of sample images followed by sets of differential diagnoses and mnemonic listings. For each stem of the mnemonic, the main radiological findings and useful distinguishing features are listed and a model answer is given. A short discussion of the main diagnoses follows, increasing comprehension and aiding examination confidence.



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