Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: Definitions, Diagnosis, and Treatment (AACN Workshop Series) 1st Edition
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In 2011, National Institute on Aging and Alzheimer’s Association joint task forces released proposed criteria for Alzheimer’ disease diagnosis. These proposals included revisions to the nearly 30-year-old NINDS-ADRDA criteria for Alzheimer’s diagnosis and added criteria for diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) due to Alzheimer’s disease. The same year the American Psychiatric Association proposed new criteria for major and minor neurocognitive disorders (the entities previously known as dementia and mild cognitive impairment, respectively). These new criteria reflect the research and clinical advances in identifying mild cognitive impairment and offer new opportunities for prevention, treatment, and management of neurodegenerative conditions.
A major focus of this book is on the mild cognitive impairment prodrome of the common dementias. In addition to discussing the most common neurodegenerative conditions, many rare neurodegenerative conditions are highlighted. Most chapters include an autopsy-confirmed case presentation from the authors’ files. Following the case presentation, those chapters present current diagnostic criteria, epidemiology, neuropathology/neurophysiology, genetics, neuroimaging studies as relevant, associated clinical features, differential neuropsychological features and possible interventions for each disorder.
The pace of change in research and practice in the field of normal cognitive aging and dementia is increasing almost as fast as the median age of the population. The massive baby boom population bubble is currently entering the age of risk for neurodegenerative conditions. Neuropsychologists will play a major role in refining and applying these diagnoses, and in developing, testing, and refining interventions for these diagnoses, and in caring for this population. This book is intended to prepare neuropsychologists and others interested in neuropsychology to serve this fastest growing segment of our population.
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