Learning Pediatric Imaging: 100 Essential Cases (Learning Imaging)

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This book presents 100 cases in pediatric pathology, ranging from the basic to more sophisticated and infrequent ones. Each case is divided into three parts, the presentation and explanation of the case, the images, and the references.

This book, in a user-friendly format, is an ideal introduction to pediatric diagnostic imaging. It presents 100 cases drawn from clinical practice that range from commonly encountered disorders to complex and infrequent situations which must be recognized by the practitioner. Each case serves to identify essential imaging features of the pathology under consideration and will assist the reader in diagnosing similar cases. The book is divided into ten chapters, each comprising ten cases that are presented in a standard way. After discussion of the disorder in question, four representative images are displayed and described with special attention to distinctive features. In addition, informative key references are provided, including a book or book chapter, a web link, and ten recent articles.




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