Opportunistic Infections: Toxoplasma, Sarcocystis, and Microsporidia (World Class Parasites)

Opportunistic Infections: Toxoplasma, Sarcocystis, and Microsporidiawill focus on two important Genera of Apicomplexan parasites, Toxoplasma gondii and Sarcocystis species, and the medically important members of the Phylum Microsporida. We have been fortunate in obtaining excellent contributions from many experts in the field.
Volumes in the “World Class Parasites” book series are written for researchers, students and scholars who enjoy reading about excellent research on problems of global significance. Each volume focuses on a parasite, or group of parasites, that has a major impact on human health, or agricultural productivity, and against which we have no satisfactory defense. The volumes are intended to supplement more formal texts that cover taxonomy, life cycles, morphology, vector distribution, symptoms and treatment. They integrate vector, pathogen and host biology and celebrate the diversity of approach that comprises modern parasitological research.



Vasculitis in Clinical Practice 2nd ed

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From the Back Cover

The Outpatient Breast Clinic: Aiming at Best Practice

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From the Back Cover

Schiff’s Diseases of the Liver 12th Edition

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The most important and reliable resource for treating diseases of the liver

For more than 55 years, “Schiff” has been acclaimed as the most outstanding liver book in the world.  This new 12th edition brings the field completely up to date and includes a companion website that features a wide-variety of accessory materials. The text is evidence-based to offer hepatologists and gastroenterologists treating patients with liver disease a comprehensive and essential resource. The text highlights clinical practice and covers anatomy, pathology, testing, imaging, and the effects of liver disease on other organs. The book is written in clear and accessible terms and key features include:

  • Treatment guidelines and management algorithms for every disease
  • Full-color attractive design throughout the text
  • Informative section overviews for each section
  • Concise key concepts box in every chapter
  • A full liver transplant section

This 12th edition is thoroughly revised with the latest clinical information. The new edition offers:

  • Information on acute and chronic liver failure and infections in cirrhosis
  • Over 100 MCQs
  • Downloads for Powerpoint™ making the content ideal for presentations

Schiff’s Diseases of the Liver is designed to be a first-stop reference for dealing with today’s demanding clinical situations.


PART I https://upsto.re/F7CZi9d

PART II https://upsto.re/F7mnwcg

PART III https://upsto.re/F7cJGJU

Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine Board Review (Mayo Clinic Scientific Press) 11th Edition

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The 11th edition of Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine Board Review is fully revised to reflect the latest information necessary to prepare for the American Board of Internal Medicine Certification and Maintenance of Certification examinations. Published in an all-inclusive and easy-to-use volume, the book provides a wide array of concise chapters that review focused subjects within each specialty, followed by a series of questions and answers at the end of each section. With this new formatting, readers can study by fitting review into their busy schedules.

This authoritative resource provides a succinct review of allergy, cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology and hepatology, general internal medicine, hematology, infectious diseases, nephrology, neurology, oncology, psychiatry, pulmonology, and rheumatology. This book is a necessary resource for anyone studying for board examinations and is an important addition for those looking to include a reference on internal medicine to their medical library.

Key Features of the 11th Edition:
-Each chapter includes key facts and key definitions to highlight important information without breaking up the reading flow of the chapter;
-Each section includes color-coded tabs to facilitate reviewing and studying;
-The entire book is highly illustrated with figures, tables, and boxes to improve comprehension.



CURRENT Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2018, 57th Edition 57th Edition

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No other text links practice and research like CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment! Written by clinicians renowned in their respective fields, this trusted text offers the most current insights into symptoms, signs, epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment for more than 1,000 diseases and disorders. You’ll find concise, evidence-based answers to questions about both hospital and ambulatory problems. This valuable clinical companion is the fastest and easiest way to find the latest information about diagnostic advances, prevention strategies, and cost-effective treatments.

Here’s why CMDT is critical to your practice:

•Strong emphasis on the practical aspects of clinical diagnosis and patient management

•Full review of internal medicine and additional family medicine topics, including gynecology and obstetrics, dermatology, neurology, ophthalmology, geriatrics, and palliative care

•Annual update on HIV/AIDS and other new emerging viral infections

•Specific disease prevention information

•Medication treatment tables, with indexed trade names and updated prices

•Helpful diagnostic and treatment algorithms

•Key recent references on each topic with PMID numbers for quick access

•Many full-color photographs and illustrations

A complete summary of medical advances up to time of publication!

Here are some of the many updates and additions to the 2018 edition:

•New print chapter on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health

•Substantially revised pain management section, including latest information on benefits, risks and methods to limit risks of opioid use

•New recommendations for initial empiric antibiotic treatment for hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated pneumonia

•2016 CHEST Guidelines for anticoagulation treatment recommendations in cancer and noncancer diagnosis

•New discussion of physician-assisted death

•Updated treatment options for hepatitis C infection

•New FDA-approved medications for ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease

•New pharmacologic treatment for hormone receptor-positive breast cancer

•New table outlining criteria to rule out pulmonary embolism



Top Shelf: Essential Learning for the Internal Medicine Clerkship 1st Edition

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A new way to excel on the Internal Medicine Clerkship from Conrad Fischer!

Top Shelf: Essential Learning for the Internal Medicine Clerkship uses Conrad Fischer’s unique method of distilling complex concepts into accessible, high-yield narrative to maximize your retention and boost your performance on the clerkship and shelf exam.  Fischer doesn’t just give you what you need to “get by” — he helps you really understand the practice of internal medicine — so you can provide outstanding patient care and ace the shelf exam. This unique work encapsulates Conrad Fischer’s more than twenty years’ board review classroom experience into one score-boosting, memory-enhancing text.

  • Numerous clinical images and tables aid retention
  • Sidebars summarize key points for easy review
  • Tips provide focused learning and highlight incorrect answer choices to prevent them from being repeated on exams or during rounds



Atlas of Dermatology in Internal Medicine

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Atlas of Dermatology in Internal Medicine is the only concise text-atlas to cover the most common and most important cutaneous manifestations of systemic disease in children and adults.  It features more than 150 clinical photographs that are accompanied by format-driven, clinically focused text on the diagnosis and management of cutaneous manifestations of connective tissue, pulmonary, renal, GI, endocrine, malignant, infectious, and HIV disease.  There is also a separate chapter on skin diseases commonly seen in the ICU.  A special feature is its systematic coverage of clinically relevant dermatopathology.  The book is a helpful tool for physicians and trainees in internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics, emergency medicine, and critical care medicine, as well as family, emergency, and critical care nurse practitioners.



Resident Readiness Internal Medicine 1st Edition

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Inspired by the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine’s popular course, Resident Readiness: Internal Medicine prepares you for success during your medical internship. Inside is a full range of clinical scenarios you may experience during your internal medicine residency, supported by comprehension questions with detailed answer explanations and tips to remember. You will also learn the clinical problem-solving process so you can think quickly on your feet, especially when time is critical. With the book’s step-by-step guidance, you will gain the confidence you need to perform at your best on Day One of your residency.

Beyond treating your patient, Resident Readiness prepares you to

  • Deal successfully with emergencies on the floor
  • Safely hand off patients
  • Handle call
  • Discharge and follow up with your patients
  • Smooth your transition and be ready for residency
  • Case-based approach brings your readiness to the next level
  • Targets what you really need to know to care for patients on day one



Internal Medicine Issues in Palliative Cancer Care 1st Edition

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Patients with advanced cancer may develop a number of clinical complications related to tumor progression or a variety of aggressive treatments. The majority of these patients are elderly, often with multiple co-morbidities that require appropriate assessment and management. In the palliative stage of their disease, patients undergo a progressive transition from active acute care to community-based hospice care. This transition requires modification in the diagnostic tests, monitoring procedures and pharmacological treatments to adjust them to the palliative and short-term nature of the care. Internal Medicine Issues in Palliative Cancer Care looks at internal medicine through a prognosis-based framework and provides a practical approach to maximizing comfort and quality of life while minimizing aggressive investigations and therapies for patients with life-limiting disease. Forty-six common internal medicine conditions are organized into nine clinical categories: pulmonary, cardiovascular, nephrologic and metabolic, gastrointestinal, hematologic, infectious, endocrine, rheumatologic, and neuro-psychiatric. This evidence-based resource is ideal for educating clinicians delivering palliative care to cancer patients in acute care facilities about complex internal medicine problems, decision-making regarding diagnostics and therapeutics which require a good understanding of state-of-the-art internal medicine and palliative care principles.



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