Monitoring Mechanical Ventilation Using Ventilator Waveforms 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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Critical Care Nutrition Therapy for Non-nutritionists 1st ed. 2018 Edition

This book offers a pragmatic approach to day-to-day metabolic and nutritional care based on physiological considerations. Due to the numerous controversial trials published in the last 15 years, there is no clear guidance for intensive care physicians regarding the metabolic and nutritional management of patients. This has resulted in a return to underfeeding and related complications in most ICUs worldwide as shown by the latest Nutrition Day data. Using a structured, logical approach, the book examines practical solutions for artificial feeding in complex areas of critical care (brain injuries, burns, cardiac failure, ECMO, intestinal failure, long term patient, renal failure, metabolic diseases, obesity, old patients) and discusses measurement of the results of metabolic interventions. It also includes dedicated chapters focusing on specific problems, in order to avoid complications. Critical Care Nutrition Therapy for Non-nutritionists is a valuable resource for all general ICUs and ICU subspecialties such as cardiovascular, neuro, gastrointestinal and burns ICUs.


Key Topics in Management of the Critically Ill 1st ed

This book is designed to assist clinicians who are new to intensive care by providing information on a range of important and novel topics of relevance in the day-to-day management of critically ill patients. Guidance is given on the appropriate response to various emergencies and circumstances, including stroke, acute liver failure, severe burns, extreme pain, and delirium. The role of simulation training in the intensive care unit is discussed, and detailed attention is devoted to the application of modern techniques for the assessment of vital organs in the critical care setting, such as echocardiography and lung ultrasound.  An individual chapter focuses on regional anesthesia in intensive care, and in addition the book addresses subjects and issues that are frequently neglected. Examples include transfer of the critically ill patient, the role of forgotten electrolytes such as magnesium, the use of non-coumarin anticoagulants, and neuropsychological rehabilitation. The book will have broad appeal, including for general intensivists, anesthetists, acute medicine physicians, and medical students attached to acute specialties or preparing for exams in intensive care medicine.


Pocket ICU (Pocket Notebook Series) Second Edition

Publisher’s Note:   Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

Part of the popular Pocket Notebook Series, Pocket ICU, Second Edition provides concise, evidence-based information for critical care students, interns, residents, and professionals at all levels of experience.  Now fully revised and up to date, this portable handbook can be used for quick, easy reference both in the wards and in the operating room.

Key Features:

  • Provides fast access to the most relevant, evidence-based information in every area of critical care, including adult and pediatric critical care, neuro-critical care, cardiac critical care, and transplant, burn, and neonatal critical care.
  • Includes a new chapter, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation and Ventricular Assist Devices
  • Addresses special considerations for obese patients and older adults with critical illness
  • Features an improved table of contents and index for faster access to essential information.
  • Includes current contributions from leading critical care experts, as well as the most recent evidence available in the field.
  • Uses a reader-friendly, bulleted outline format with numerous tables and diagrams throughout.


ICU Protocols: A stepwise approach

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The book describes step-wise management of clinical emergencies seen every day in Intensive care units (ICUs. As a practical guide, clinicians can refer to it on a day-to-day basis during their work hours, or while in transit to update their knowledge. Targeted readers are intensivists, critical care specialists, and residents involved in the care of patients admitted in ICUs. This handbook covers an array of specialities such as cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, neurology, nephrology, traumatology, and toxicology. This monograph provides point-of-care treatment guidance and will serve as a ready-reckoner for physicians to quickly learn the management steps in a methodical manner.


Metabolic Disorders and Critically Ill Patients: From Pathophysiology to Treatment 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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Hemodynamic Monitoring in the ICU 1st ed

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This book describes the pathophysiological significance of the hemodynamic monitoring parameters available to the clinician and their role in providing reliable and reproducible information on the cardiocirculatory status of a patient in shock. It is explained how measurements of these parameters enable the intensivist to understand the patient’s condition and to make more informed treatment decisions in order to optimize the hemodynamic status and improve the prognosis. Full guidance is provided on measurement of intravascular blood pressures, cardiac output, and derived variables. Methods of cardiac output determination based on the classical pulmonary thermodilution, transpulmonary thermodilution, echocardiography, and Doppler techniques are reviewed. Techniques based on calibrated and non-calibrated pulse contour analysis are discussed, with attention to their limitations. Furthermore, the dynamic indices of fluid responsiveness, their clinical applications, and issues related to their use are addressed. Care is also taken to explain the physiological concepts underlying various devices used by anesthesiologists and intensivists.


Mechanical Ventilation in the Critically Ill Obese Patient 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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Comprehensive Critical Care: Adult 1st Edition

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Comprehensive Critical Care: Adult is the most complete critical care textbook for any learner in adult practice. Developed by leading experts in critical care, this comprehensive textbook covers 10 topic areas, including -Neurologic Critical Care – Cardiovascular Critical Care -Respiratory Critical Care -Critical Care Infectious Disease -Hepatic, Gastrointestinal, and Hematologic/Oncologic Disease in the ICU -Renal and Metabolic Disorders in the ICU -Environmental and Toxicologic Injury – Pharmacologic Issues in the ICU -Surgical and Obstetrical Critical Care -Administrative and Ethical Issues in the Critically Ill This new resource includes up-to-date information on the full gamut of critical care topics, with dozens of charts and tables to aid study and copious references to guide further reading.


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