Integrative Medicine for Breast Cancer: An Evidence-Based Assessment 1st ed
This book is designed to capture and clinically review the comprehensive database of clinical research articles that support and do not support the utilization of a variety of dietary supplements and other complementary medicines that physicians are exposed to in their daily practice. The growing list of CAM products that could interfere with surgery (anesthesia, bleeding, outcomes…) and/or conventional medicines is very large and is provided in each section of the book. Additionally, the list of dietary supplements that could be utilized to improve quality of life for breast cancer patients is also emphasized. The various sub-specialty groups in breast are adequately represented, which allows for a physician to rapidly and thoroughly investigate their topic of interest regardless of whether the topic is prevention, treatment, or a specific side effect of treatment.
The practical nature of Integrative Medicine for Breast Cancer: An Evidence-Based Assessment cannot be overstated. Chapters include a general overview of the CAM agent, whether or not it has data in medicine and oncology, and a list of potential drug interactions and specific clinical scenarios where it can be utilized or discouraged in the specialty. Thus, this book will become the gold standard evidence based text for use in teaching, not only for the students interested in oncology and breast cancer, but for all current oncology health providers.
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