Human Gross Anatomy: An Outline Text 1st Edition


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This text presents gross anatomy in an expanded outline format. Its conciseness and logical organization permit easy previewing of the subject matter before a lecture or laboratory as well as efficient learning and reviewing of the material before an examination. Notwithstanding its succinct style, the text’s coverage of gross anatomy is comprehensive and is written at a level of detail appropriate for the medical student.
The book begins with an introduction, setting forth basic principles and terminology that will serve the student throughout the remainder of the text. Overviews of the nervous, muscular, skeletal, and vascular systems are also included in the introduction. The main part of the text is organized in the following sequence: The Back; The Thorax; The Abdomen; The Perineum and Pelvis; The Head and Neck; The Upper Limb; and The Lower Limb. Clinical notes that highlight anatomy relevant to current medical practice appear throughout these chapters. Since each regional anatomy chapter is complete in itself, the order in which they are studied is optional.



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