Geriatric Medicine: an evidence-based approach 1st Edition


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People are living longer and the population over the age of 60 is burgeoning, with repercussions for health services and healthcare expenditure in developed countries. Crucially, disease aetiology, diagnosis, and treatment in older people differ from the general adult population. Older people often have complicated co-morbidities and respond to treatment in different ways compared to younger people. Evidence of efficacy of different treatments is often lacking because older people are under-represented in clinical trials, and the specific needs of older people are rarely discussed specifically in more general texts. Geriatric medicine: an evidence based approach is a clinical reference for health care professionals who manage older patients, and summarizes up-to-date research literature in a style that can be directly applied by busy healthcare professionals and provide a useful resource for reference


Geriatric Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach (Geriatric Medicine (Cassel)) 4th Edition


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Since the publication of the third edition of Geriatric Medicine,extraordinary advances have occurred in the science of aging and the potential for biomedical research to give us answers to many, if not most, of the age-related disorders that threaten the quality of life in older years. At the most basic level, the successful mapping of the human genome was declared complete in the fall of 2000. Understanding the map of the human genome is as important as understanding the map of genomes of important laboratory species, ranging from the microscopic worms and fruit?ies used in most classic genetic studies to rodents such as laboratory mice, and eventually to primates, on which much of the research on the aging human brain is done. The genetic maps of all of these species,including our own,does not answer clinical questions,but it does open the door to dramatic, rapid, and ef?cient answers to questions about the genetic polymorphisms related to diseases in humans. The telomerase story also unfolded since the third edition. Telomerase is an enzyme responsible for maintaining the telomeres―the redundant DNA portions at the end of chromosomes―whose shortening seems to be linked directly to cell senescence,ap- tosis,and the control over cell death,which,at the level of the individual cell,seems to be linked to the decline of organ function and eventually aging and death within the org- ism.


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