Testicular Autoimmunity: A Cause of Male Infertility 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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About the Author

Common Breast Lesions: A Photographic Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment 1st Edition

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Book Description

Muscle Pain: Understanding Its Nature, Diagnosis and Treatment 1st Edition

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Muscle pain is common. Fibromyalgia occurs in 2 percent of the general population (in 0.5 percent of males and 1.5 percent of females) and is diagnosed in approximately 15 percent of patients seen in rheumatology clinics and up to 10 percent of those seen in general internal-medicine clinics. Low back pain, which in many cases is of myofascial origin, has a lifetime prevalence as high as 80 percent and accounts for 20 million sick days per year in the United States. Twenty percent of persons in the general population have chronic regional pain. Nocturnal muscle cramps are common in all age groups, with an especially high prevalence among elderly persons (50 percent) and pregnant women (81 percent).

The high prevalence of muscle pain is not surprising, since more than 200 paired skeletal muscles (the exact count depends on the extent of muscle subdivision), each with free nociceptors at nerve endings, account for 40 percent or more of body weight.

Muscle Pain is a well-written book with comprehensive, up-to-date references and many useful figures. The nine chapters clearly review the neurobiologic, pathophysiologic, and clinical manifestations of muscle pain. Helpful features of the book include a summary and outline at the beginning of each chapter; specific treatment recommendations, with a brief review of the pharmacologic characteristics of each drug at the end of most chapters; and a glossary of key words and terms, which nonneurologists will find especially useful. Almost a third of the book is devoted to the most common causes of muscle pain: myofascial pain and the fibromyalgia syndrome.

Myofascial pain denotes both the symptoms caused by myofascial trigger points and a regional pain syndrome characterized by the presence of trigger points. A trigger point is a tender, localized hardening in a skeletal muscle that can evoke referred pain in a characteristic pattern involving different locations in a particular muscle. The concept of myofascial pain has evolved considerably since Arthur Steindler introduced the term in 1939. The late Janet Travell, who had suffered from myofascial pain herself, was largely responsible for putting the disorder and its treatment on the medical map, with publications over a 50-year period. (Travell was the White House physician for Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson; she administered trigger-point injections to President Kennedy for his chronic low back pain and recommended that he use a rocking chair. Travell published two influential books on myofascial pain with David Simons, one of the authors of Muscle Pain.) The chapter on myofascial pain reviews its pathophysiologic features, including electromyographic findings reportedly due to dysfunctional motor end plates and the histogenesis of trigger points. Characteristic patterns of pain and effective treatments, such as trigger-point injections, are summarized.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition of increasing sensitivity characterized by widespread pain and confirmed by the induction of pain with 4 kg of palpation pressure in at least 11 of 18 (9 bilateral) soft-tissue tender points in various locations from the occiput to the knees. In contrast to trigger points, tender points cause local pain when pressed but do not refer pain. (The term “tender point” was first used by Smythe and Moldofsky in 1972 and “fibromyalgia” by Hench in 1977.) In the chapter on the fibromyalgia syndrome, I. Jon Russell reviews data supporting the theory that widespread allodynia is due to central nervous system amplification of nociception in general, not to a specific muscle disorder. Medications such as tricyclic antidepressants, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agents, cyclobenzeprine, and tramadol may help some patients. Even if such treatment is not effective, the physician can help the patient by providing information about the syndrome and by having an accepting attitude.

Not surprisingly, myofascial pain and fibromyalgia are two of the most controversial topics in medicine. Critics note that the criteria for their diagnosis are subjective and that the applicability of the criteria is problematic for several reasons, including poor interexaminer reliability. Various studies that have been reported to demonstrate a pathophysiologic substrate have been subject to vociferous attacks. There is also concern that these diagnoses medicalize psychiatric disorders or encourage unjustified legal claims of injury or disability. Suggested nonhistologic terms for these disorders include aches and pains, the chronic pain syndrome, somatoform pain disorder, the pain amplification syndrome, somatic dysthymia, the hypervigilance syndrome, affective spectrum disorder, and diffuse suffering. Terminology aside, I believe that most of my patients who report pain actually experience pain that has a biologic, albeit often poorly understood, basis.

I highly recommend Muscle Pain to any physician who treats these disorders or wishes to review the growing body of knowledge about their neurobiologic and pathophysiologic features. This book will be of special interest to pain specialists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, rheumatologists, orthopedists, and physiatrists.



Breast Disease: Diagnosis and Pathology

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This first of two volumes provides and in-depth account of breast disease characteristics, imaging and diagnosis. Covering from breast anatomy and tumor biology to benign and malignant lesions this is an indispensable companion for breast specialists, medical oncologists, radiologists and pathologists. The book is organised in themed parts exploring topics such as epidemiology, risk factors, genetic biomarkers, pathological evaluation of tumors and biopsy techniques.

With a high number of colored illustrations and edited by highly experienced clinicians, this work enables readers to gain an interdisciplinary perspective on breast diseases. Contributions from an international team of experts present invaluable insight into pathological and epidemiological aspects of breast disease. Covering both theoretical and practical aspects of breast cancer this is a highly informative and carefully presented book which will appeal to an international audience of breast cancer practitioners.



Hospital Medicine: Perspectives, Practices and Professional Development 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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​This practical resource provides hospitalists of all levels a comprehensive foundation for understanding the critical elements of hospital medicine.  Beginning with an overview of the healthcare system, chapters provide relevant insights on management, regulations, evidence-based approaches, an awareness of safety and economic concerns and professional development skills.  Perspectives on how hospitalist and hospital medicine teams can effectively engage this system to provide cost-effective, high-quality care are offered throughout this volume.  With real-world guidance on the major tenets of hospital medicine, Hospital Medicine will serve as the definitive guide to a successful career in this rapidly evolving specialty.



Family Practice Guidelines, Third Edition 3rd Edition

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“Both editors have done a wonderful job in building upon the previous versions of this book to create an exceptionally comprehensive resource… Healthcare continues to evolve at an extremely fast pace and it is with excellent resources like this that primary care providers can continue to provide quality care.” Score: 100, 5 stars–Doody’s Medical Reviews

Praise for the Second Edition:

“This textbook provides comprehensive coverage of primary care disorders in an easy-to-read format and contains invaluable step-by-step instructions for evaluating and managing primary care patients. . . [It] belongs in every NP and PA’s reference library. I highly recommend this wonderful textbook.”

-Maria T. Leik, MSN, FNP-BC, ANP-BC, GNP-BC
President, National ARNP Services, Inc.

“Family Practice Guidelines is an excellent resource for the busy clinician. It offers succinct, comprehensive information in an easy format that is particularly useful for quick reference. This text is useful for general practice settings as well as specialty care.”

Vanderbilt University

This is a comprehensive family practice resource for primary care clinicians, providing current national practice guidelines for a high-quality standard of care for patients across the life span in outpatient settings. It includes individual care guidelines for adult, child, pregnant, and geriatric patients; health promotion and dietary information; procedure guidelines; national resources; and comprehensive patient teaching guides. This third edition includes updated national treatment guidelines throughout, including the most recent cardiology guidelines (JNC 8), seven new protocols, revised procedure guidelines a new chapter on pain management guidelines for patients with opioid addiction, and patient teaching sheets in print and PDF formats.

The guide includes 268 disorder guidelines organized by body system, presented in outline format for easy access. Each disorder includes definition, incidence, pathogenesis, predisposing factors, common complaints, signs/symptoms, subjective data, physical exam and diagnostic tests, differential diagnosis, plan of care including medications, and follow-up care. Of special note are highlighted “Practice Pointers” containing critical information and “Individual Considerations” at the end of each disorder that provide specialty care points for pediatric, pregnant, and geriatric populations.

This resource includes:

  • 151 Patient Teaching Guides
  • 19 Procedure guidelines
  • Routine health maintenance guidelines
  • Appendices covering special diets, normal lab values, and dental issues



Autism Spectrum Disorders in Adults 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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In this book a group of international experts guide the reader through the clinical features of adults with autism spectrum disorders, describe the care needs of patients and their families, explain the evolution of the disorders into old age, and highlight what can be done to help. Detailed attention is paid to the medical and psychiatric problems of adults with these disorders and the approach to their education and professional integration. In addition, expert neuroscientists summarize current views on the neurobiology of autism.

Autism spectrum disorders are devastating neurodevelopmental disorders. Although diagnosis and therapeutic interventions usually take place in infancy, they are chronic lifelong conditions. Surprisingly, the literature on autism spectrum disorders in adults is scarce. Moreover, most mental health professionals working with adults have little training in autism, and adult mental health services around the world are rarely prepared to address the needs of these patients, which tend to increase with age. This book therefore fills a crucial gap in the literature and will prove useful for all who care for and deal with adults in the Autistic Spectrum.



Churchill’s Pocketbook of General Practice, 3e (Churchill Pocketbooks)

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This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It is a concise, easy-to-refer-to handbook of common conditions seen in general practice and how to treat them. Each condition is discussed in a standard way that will be familiar to most GPs – assessment, including history and examination, and management. Throughout the book there are ‘alert’ boxes (marked with an exclamation point!) as well as helpful hints and ‘useful tips’, set off in boxes. This edition is completely up to date with the very latest information and includes national guidelines on treating major diseases seen in primary care. There are also new Quality and Outcomes Framework features.

  • Short, concise handbook focusing on clinical and practical aspects of disease management
  • Covers all the diseases commonly seen in primary care
  • Omits complexities such as disease aetiology to focus on practical aspects of the GPs’ role
  • Chapters are divided into systems of the body for ease of organisation and reference
  • Topics presented as a diagnosis [e.g. epilepsy] or as a symptom [e.g. chest pain] to aid physician guidance
  • Helpful appendices, including drug monitoring, private medical examinations, patient reports, notifiable diseases, management of anaphylaxis, immunisation, growth charts, dermatomes, etc.
  • Incorporates all the latest national guidelines for diseases such as asthma, hypertension, diabetes
  • Quality and Outcomes Framework features
  • New chapter on Men’s Health
  • Updated guidelines
  • Quality and Outcomes Framework features



Endocrine and Neuroendocrine Surgery (Springer Surgery Atlas Series) 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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This book brings together recognized experts in the field to describe their current techniques for the surgical treatment of diseased thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal glands, as well as neuroendocrine tumors of small bowel, pancreas, liver, and skin. For each procedure, indications, operative steps, potential pitfalls and complications, and postoperative management are presented. The clear descriptions coupled with informative and beautiful illustrations will give the reader new perspectives and insights into the anatomy and conduct of these procedures.

Endocrine surgery has been an area of special interest to surgeons for well over a century, while the increasing incidence of neuroendocrine tumors has more recently led to greater attention to these neoplasms. Significant advances have been made in a variety of areas, the most recent being the introduction of minimally invasive methods of removing diseased glands, and the improved understanding of the natural history of neuroendocrine tumors.



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