Challenging Cases and Complication Management in Pain Medicine 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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This comprehensive book provides reviews of pain management complications that arise in clinical practice.  Organized into sections focused on types of pain therapy and procedures, each chapter is based on actual complications; starting with a case description that delineates the context with a short past medical and surgical history, pain management technique and outcome it is followed by a comprehensive review of the topic described in the first section.  Authors emphasize the elements of differential diagnosis that pointed towards establishing of the complication and describe the best way to treat the identified complication.  Physicians treating pain patients will be presented the necessary tools in identifying and treating unanticipated complications following pain interventions, thus providing safer care for their patients.


Diabetes and Aging-related Complications 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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This book addresses why and how the aging process is accelerated under diabetes, providing valuable and comprehensive information for the management of various types of diabetes- and aging-related disorders. Since several papers have shown that average life span and healthy life expectancy are reduced in diabetic patients, especially in those with a long history of disease, the early detection and treatment of diabetes-related complications are urgently needed in order to slow the aging process and help people successfully live with diabetes.

Each chapter of this book addresses a specific diabetes and aging-related complication. The topics covered include not only diabetic vascular complications, the leading causes of morbidities and high mortality rates in both type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients, but also other aging-related complications such as Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, periodontitis and cancer growth and metastasis. Experts on each topic discuss the background of the aging process and methods for coping with diabetes-related complications.

The book as a whole, as well as the individual chapters, offer a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in the fields of diabetic studies, gerontology, and aging science.


CURRENT Occupational and Environmental Medicine 5/E (Lange Medical Books) 5th Edition

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A thorough, concise, up-to-date guide to the diagnosis and treatment of common occupational and environmental injuries and diseases

A Doody’s Core Title for 2017!

Coverage includes:

  • Chapters on how to conduct an occupational and environmental medical history, examine the patient, evaluate exposures, and prevent further injury and illness
  • New methods of disability management and the important role that physicians can play in preventing disability
  • Practical information on the toxic properties and clinical manifestation of common industrial materials
  • Techniques to prevent acute and cumulative workplace-related injuries
  • Detailed discussion of international occupational and environmental health, and issues of worker migration
  • An appendix that concisely introduces the important topics of biostatistics and epidemiology

The definitive overview of common occupational and environmental illnesses

NEW CHAPTERS on electronic health records, the management of chronic pain, violence in the workplace, terrorism preparedness, disease surveillance, and chemical policy

Valuable to practicing physicians as well as students and residents


Life Saving Drugs: The Elusive Magic Bullet (RSC Paperbacks) 1st Edition

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In 1900 only a handful of drugs (morphine, quinine, aspirin, etc) had genuine efficacy but had little value for bacterial or viral infections or cancer. These conditions were usually untreatable. Now there are literally thousands of drugs which offer cures or greatly extended life-spans for those with life-threatening conditions. Life Saving Drugs: the Elusive Magic Bullet describes the discovery and development of antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-cancer drugs. The book highlights the colourful characters behind the inventions and the huge improvements in quality of life and life-expectancy that these drugs have produced. Emphasis is given to the new drugs that have emerged as a result of knowledge of the human genome, and the ways in which the newer drugs are being designed to tackle disease, particularly cancer, at the genetic level. Chemical structures are provided for all of the key drugs and the book is well illustrated. Life Saving Drugs: the Elusive Magic Bullet can be read as a history of drug development during the past 100 years by those with only a passing knowledge of chemistry. For anyone entering the medical profession, pharmacy, or nursing, it will provide a superb basic knowledge of all drugs they are ever likely to meet, including their modes of action. For the chemist or medicinal chemist, it will provide the fundamental knowledge of life-saving drugs that they all should know. And for the non-scientist who wants to know about ‘super-bugs’, SARS, Ebola, and all of the wonderful advances in treating cancer, it is illuminating and easy to read.



Complete Guide to Prescription & Nonprescription Drugs 2018-2019

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The classic guide to all major prescription and nonprescription drugs, featuring revised, up-to-date FDA information and an A–Z list of illnesses for easy reference. Includes coverage of dosage and length of time before a drug takes effect; side effects; special precautions; interactions with other food and drugs; standards for use by different age groups; and more.


Crowley’s An Introduction to Human Disease: Pathology and Pathophysiology Correlations 10th Edition

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Updated and reorganized to provide a more accessible, student-friendly experience, Crowley’s An Introduction to Human Disease, Tenth Edition provides readers with a clear, well-illustrated explanation of the structural and functional changes associated with disease, the clinical manifestations of disease, and how to determine treatment. The first chapters of the text discuss general concepts and diseases affecting the body as a whole. Later chapters consider the various organ systems and their diseases. The Tenth Edition boasts a wealth of new disease photos, new and expanded case studies, and a robust student and instructor ancillary package.

New and Key Features of the Tenth Edition:

-NEW! – Now includes Navigate 2 Advantage Access with complete eBook, Animations, Case Studies, Lecture Slides in PowerPoint format, and more
-NEW! – Includes new and updated case studies throughout that reinforce difficult concepts
-NEW! – New art and photos of diseases
-EXPANDED! – Includes deeper coverage of pathophysiology and manifestation of diseases throughout the text
– EXPANDED! – Provides new information on inflammation and repair, a core concept which can be challenging for students


Thyroid Nodules: Diagnosis and Management (Contemporary Endocrinology) 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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About the Author

Drugs of Abuse, A DEA Resource Guide: 2017 Edition

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Education plays a critical role in preventing substance abuse. Drugs of Abuse, A DEA Resource Guide, is designed to be a reliable resource on the most commonly abused and misused drugs in the United States. This comprehensive guide provides important information about the harms and consequences of drug use by describing a drug’s effects on the body and mind, overdose potential, origin, legal status, and other key facts.


Inherited Metabolic Diseases: A Clinical Approach 2nd ed

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From the Back Cover

Clinical Approaches to Hospital Medicine: Advances, Updates and Controversies 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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This book provides an update on recent clinical practice and an in-depth view of selected topics relevant to hospital medicine.  It is divided into four sections that explore clinical, administrative, systems and ethical issues.  Each section places an emphasis on the opportunities, challenges and potential directions of this bourgeoning subspecialty.  An important topic covered extensively is how hospitalists are being called to lead on the current opioid epidemic, given that they are well-suited in responding to complicated challenges crossing all specialties.  Other chapters explore worldwide practice patterns and practical application of philosophical tools in daily practice.  This up-to-date resource provides hospitalists, advanced nurse practitioners, medical students and administrators with the latest research, trends and issues in hospital medicine.


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