Improved Outcomes in Colon and Rectal Surgery 1st Edition

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Written by many of the world’s leading colorectal surgeons, this evidence-based text investigates the risks and benefits of colorectal surgeries. By using clinical pathways, algorithms, and case discussions, the authors identify the best practices for patient safety and positive outcomes to ensure that physicians correctly recognize potential problems and carefully manage complications.

Improved Outcomes in Colon and Rectal Surgery is a must read and essential reference for all colorectal surgeons, fellows and residents, as well as those working in gastroenterology and the medico-legal profession.



Adult Umbilical Reconstruction: Principles and Techniques 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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About the Author

A Diagnostic Atlas of Tumors of the Upper Aero-Digestive Tract: A Transnasal Video Endoscopic Approach 1st Edition

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A Diagnostic Atlas of Tumors of the Upper Aero-Digestive Tract brings readers up to date on the correct identification and diagnosis of malignancies of the larynx, pharynx, and esophagus. The atlas provides broad-based coverage of these anatomical areas and highlights the different pathologies physicians may encounter.

Key features of this illustrated guide include: A thorough exploration of the entire upper aero-digestive tract and its pathologies Recent advances in flexible endoscopy, which makes visualization, identification, biopsy, and treatment of conditions of the upper aero-digestive tract easier and possible under local anesthesia in an outpatient setting More than 170 high-quality images Accompanying video clips of the technology available online

Accessible and concise, the book is suitable for a range of readers, including: Oncologists, Otolaryngologists, Gastroenterologists, Respiratory and ENT physicians, Maxillo-facial, thoracic, and upper gastrointestinal surgeons, medical students, nurses, and medical trainees.

  • Provides a practical overview that details the advantages and pitfalls in transnasal laryngoesophagoscopy
  • Includes analysis and current treatment of both benign and malignant cancers of the nasopharynx, nose/sinuses, oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, hypopharynx, trachea, esophagus, and thyroid
  • Contains illustrated case examples
  • Covers the challenges of this diagnostic approach and the techniques that minimize patients’ discomfort
  • Details the choice of treatment and the options and limitations


Liver Transplantation: Update of Concepts and Practice, An Issue of Clinics in Liver Disease, 1e (The Clinics: Internal Medicine) 1st Edition

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A number of areas within liver transplant continue to evolve as the field matures. The advent of increasingly effective therapy for HCV will dramatically reduce the burden of recurrent disease within the next few years. HCC has become a well established indication for transplant with an increasing emphasis on adjuvant therapies to reduce the risk of tumor recurrence and potentially expand the acceptable limits of tumor burden amenable to liver transplant. Renal dysfunction is a frequent complication of decompensated liver disease and an important predictor of diminished post-transplant survival. Newer approached to therapy including terlipressin will reduce the impact of renal dysfunction in liver transplant candidates and potentially reduce the need for combined liver/kidney transplant. Increasing attention is being paid to role of comorbidities such as diabetes and hypertension on longterm recipient outcomes. Retransplantation remains a challenge with a variety of models available ot redict outcomes. Cardiac disease pretransplant is an area of active investigation with newer entities such as cirrhotic cardiomyopathy a growing concern. These are some of many evolving issues in liver transplant which will be addressed to update our readers and which in turn will enhance the care of patients with liver disease.


Contemporary Liver Transplantation: The Successful Liver Transplant Program (Organ and Tissue Transplantation) 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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From the Back Cover

Sports Hernia and Athletic Pubalgia: Diagnosis and Treatment

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About the Author

Multimodal Treatment of Recurrent Pelvic Colorectal Cancer (Updates in Surgery) 1st ed

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This book analyzes all aspects of modern multimodal treatment of locally recurrent rectal cancer in the pelvis in order to offer a panoramic overview of the different therapeutic options and enable the reader to balance their benefits and drawbacks. Indications for surgery and the surgical techniques themselves, including reconstruction techniques after major exenterative surgery, are clearly described and evaluated. The role of new imaging tools, such as MRI and PET-CT, in staging recurrences and guiding therapy is assessed and detailed consideration is given to the use of neoadjuvant and iterative radiotherapy and the indications for systemic chemotherapy. Morbidity, mortality, oncologic outcomes, and quality of life issues are carefully analyzed and options for pain control and palliation are examined. Finally, a national survey is presented on the state of the art in the surgical treatment of locally recurrent rectal cancer in Italy. While there has been a dramatic fall in the incidence of local pelvic recurrences, their treatment remains a major clinical challenge which requires a multidisciplinary approach and careful selection of the most appropriate strategy in each case. This book will aid practitioners in making the correct decisions in individual patients.


Stem Cells, Pre-neoplasia, and Early Cancer of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology) 1st ed. 2016 Edition

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About the Author

Gastrointestinal Microbiology 1st Edition

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This reference supplies a comprehensive and current overview of every aspect of gastrointestinal microbiota. Expertly written chapters cover conventional and molecular techniques for the study of differing microbial populations, as well as the analysis of microbial activity and interaction with host bodies. Illustrative and up-to-date, this source showcases how fluctuations in our diet, environment, and pharmaceutical intake affect microbial composition and behavior.


Contemporary Coloproctology

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Contemporary Coloproctology covers colorectal surgery, as practiced today, in an easily accessible format with emphasis on bringing key facts rapidly into focus. It is ideal reading both for the medical trainee and the practicing colorectal surgeon.

As well as a succinct presentation of the current colorectal knowledge base, each chapter contains practical advice and pearls of wisdom from established practicing clinicians. A unique feature of the format is the identification of key references and questions and scenarios that present real life decisions in colorectal surgery.

Edited and authored by outstanding surgeons in their fields, this book brings the reader expertise in surgery and management across the various conditions encountered in coloproctology.



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