Functional Urologic Surgery in Neurogenic and Oncologic Diseases: Role of Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery (Urodynamics, Neurourology and Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions)
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This book offers a comprehensive guide to state-of-the-art techniques in functional urologic surgery that minimize functional damage to the urinary tract and are of particular value in patients with oncologic or neurogenic diseases. It describes the main minimally invasive surgical techniques currently available step by step, while also offering guidance on indications and how to select appropriate surgical devices to achieve specific oncological and functional outcomes. Further, the book presents data from relevant case series, documenting the favorable functional and oncologic results achieved with these techniques and devices as well as the low associated morbidity and positive impacts on quality of life. Lastly, it offers advice on preoperative assessment and postoperative care, and presents specific diagnostic algorithms of value in daily clinical practice. The contributing authors represent an international mix of respected experts carefully selected for their knowledge of the topics discussed.
This book offers a comprehensive guide to state-of-the-art techniques in functional urologic surgery that minimize functional damage to the urinary tract and are of particular value in patients with oncologic or neurogenic diseases. It describes the main minimally invasive surgical techniques currently available step by step, while also offering guidance on indications and how to select appropriate surgical devices to achieve specific oncological and functional outcomes. Further, the book presents data from relevant case series, documenting the favorable functional and oncologic results achieved with these techniques and devices as well as the low associated morbidity and positive impacts on quality of life. Lastly, it offers advice on preoperative assessment and postoperative care, and presents specific diagnostic algorithms of value in daily clinical practice. The contributing authors represent an international mix of respected experts carefully selected for their knowledge of the topics discussed.
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