Minimally Invasive Approaches in Endodontic Practice

Minimally Invasive Approaches in Endodontic Practice

Minimally Invasive Approaches in Endodontic Practice

This book describes the latest minimally invasive approaches in endodontics and explains the principles that guide them. The advantages and limitations of these approaches are critically analyzed with the intention of defining new endodontic gold standards. The trend toward the use of more conservative procedures within endodontics reflects the wider adoption of minimally invasive dentistry in general and is being fostered by the introduction of new materials, devices, instruments, and techniques as well as the use of magnification and advanced three-dimensional diagnostic imaging technologies. In this book, readers will find clear explanation of these advances and their impacts.


Minimally invasive access to the root canal system is described, and detailed attention is devoted to the application of novel strategies in root canal instrumentation and disinfection, root canal filling, coronal restoration, retreatment, and endodontic surgery. Minimally invasive alternatives to complete endodontic treatment, such as vital pulp therapies, and to dental extraction and implant placement, including surgical extrusion, intentional replantation, and tooth autotransplantation, are also discussed. Minimally Invasive Approaches in Endodontic Practice will be of value for endodontists at all levels of experience.




Orthodontics for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Patient

Orthodontics for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Patient

Orthodontics for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Patient

This issue of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America is devoted to Orthodontics for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Patient and is edited by Drs. Michael R. Markiewicz, Sath Allareddy and Michael Miloro. Articles will include: Digital workflow for combined orthodontics and orthognathic surgery; Surgical tooth exposure and bonding:


What does the orthodontist want?; Temporary skeletal anchorage techniques; Interceptive dentofacial orthopedics (growth modification); Correction of transverse maxillary deficiency; Comprehensive pre-orthognathic surgery orthodontics; Distraction osteogenesis for the non-craniofacial patient; Surgery-first approach in the orthognathic patient; Idiopathic condylar resorption: What should we do?; Juvenile idiopathic arthritis: Update on management; Comprehensive post-orthognathic surgery orthodontics: complications, misconceptions, and management; Aesthetic facial surgery and orthodontics: Common goals; and more!




Infection Control in Primary Dental Care

Infection Control in Primary Dental Care

This book is an easy-to-use guide to all aspects of infection control and decontamination that will support the implementation of effective measures for risk reduction in dental practice. Among the topics addressed are the principles and practicalities of cleaning and sterilizing dental instruments, the role of personal protective equipment, the design and use of decontamination rooms, choice of dental equipment, environmental disinfection, and considerations relating to dental unit water lines.


In addition, readers will find an informative and helpful section on the background history and basic science of infection control within dentistry. Infection Control in Primary Dental Care will be very useful for all members of the dental team, including dentists, dental nurses or assistants, dental hygienists, and therapists. The book is illustrated with photographs, diagrams, and tables to aid understanding and encourage good practice. The authors have a background in microbiology and dental practice and have extensive experience of providing advice and guidance to professional colleagues on infection control procedures.




Guide to Periodontal Treatment Solutions for General Dentistry

Guide to Periodontal Treatment Solutions for General Dentistry

Guide to Periodontal Treatment Solutions for General Dentistry by Tobias Boehm and Sam Chui is a concise textbook on periodontics geared towards dental students, residents, and early-career general dentists. Each chapter includes cases and evidence-based practice exercises that illustrate key concepts and enable application of these concepts through independent study or non-lecture based teaching methods. The book is arranged in a logical sequence mirroring the manner in which patients present with periodontal disease, from the initial exam to state-of-the-art treatments.


The opening chapters cover gingivitis and disease basics, data collection, epidemiology, classification systems, and diagnosis. Subsequent chapters encompass a wide array of nonsurgical and surgical approaches for treating issues such as gum pockets, furcation, gingival recession, mucogingival defects, and tooth mobility, as well as when to refer patients. The latest methods for controlling gingival inflammation are discussed, including scaling and root planing, systemic and local antimicrobial therapy, antiseptics, lasers, and photodynamic therapy.

Key Features

  • Case studies, review questions and explanations, coupled with diagrams and illustrations, enhance understanding and knowledge retention
  • Nine chapters feature key points of periodontal treatment, with detailed step-by-step instructions on how to approach clinical problems
  • Prognostic tools and risk assessments for predicting tooth longevity with discussion of various tooth replacement options

This is an essential resource that guides dental students, residents and early career stage dentists through the fundamental aspects of periodontal treatment. The book also provides an excellent classroom tool for dental school instructors.




The Principles of Endodontics 3rd Edition

The Principles of Endodontics 3rd Edition

The Principles of Endodontics 3rd Edition

The Principles of Endodontics, Third Edition is a contemporary and easy-to-read guide on why and how to carry out safe and effective endodontic treatment. Fully revised and updated, the third edition applies endodontic theory to clinical practice in a pragmatic and user-friendly way.


This comprehensive guide covers the core areas of endodontics, from embryology of the dentine-pulp complex to restoration of the endodontically treated tooth. The new edition includes advice on how to solve problems that can occur during treatment, and new self-assessment questions. Fully revised, the ‘How to’ sections provide current step-by-step guidance. With added colour photographs and line drawings, the book reflects the latest available material and equipment, and highlights interesting clinical cases.

The Principles of Endodontics, Third Edition is the essential text for undergraduates and a useful reference for recent graduates as well as established clinicians who want to refresh their knowledge to continue their professional development.




Newman and Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology 13th Edition

Newman and Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology 13th Edition

Newman and Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology 13th Edition

From basic science and fundamental procedures to the latest advanced techniques in reconstructive, esthetic, and implant therapy, Newman and Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology, 13th Edition is the resource you can count on to help master the most current information and techniques in periodontology. Full color photos, illustrations, radiographs and videos show you how to perform periodontal procedures, while renowned experts from across the globe explain the evidence supporting each treatment and lend their knowledge on how to best manage the outcomes. Access to the Expert Consult website provides fully-searchable online chapters and unique case-based clinical scenarios that mimic the new format of credentialing exams. The Expert Consult platform also includes a wealth of resources to enhance understanding, such as: a periodontal pathology atlas, virtual microscope, animations, case reports, videos, audio slides, review questions, reference lists, and much more. It’s the perfect resource for dental students, periodontal residents, and clinicians alike!


  • UNIQUE! Expert Consult platform offers a versatile print and digital resources that help bring text information to life.
  • UNIQUE! Bonus content on Expert Consult includes multiple-choice self-assessment questions with instant feedback, chapter review PowerPoint slides, videos clips, case studies, and more.
  • UNIQUE! Periodontal Pathology Atlas contains the most comprehensive collection of cases found anywhere.
  • Full-color photos and anatomical drawings clearly demonstrate core concepts and reinforce important principles.
  • UNIQUE! Chapter opener boxes in the print book alert readers when more comprehensive coverage of topics is available in the online version of the text.




Anatomical Variations in Clinical Dentistry

Anatomical Variations in Clinical Dentistry

Anatomical Variations in Clinical Dentistry

This excellently illustrated book aims to equip dentists, oral surgeons, and trainees with the detailed knowledge of anatomical variations in the oral region that is now required for optimal daily clinical practice. The book opens with an introductory section on anatomical variations from the point of view of different clinical practitioners – oral and maxillofacial surgeons, periodontists, and endodontists.


The newest anatomical knowledge and variations are then presented in turn for the mandible, maxillary sinus, hard palate, floor of the mouth, lips, temporomandibular joint, and teeth. In each chapter, clinical annotations are included in order to enhance understanding of the relationships between surgery and anatomy. The internationally renowned authors have been carefully selected for their expertise in the topics that they discuss. Anatomical Variations in Clinical Dentistry will be invaluable for general dentists, endodontists, periodontists, and implantologists and will also be an asset for anatomists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, otolaryngologists, dental students, and dental hygienists.




Oxford Handbook of Integrated Dental Biosciences 2nd Edition

Oxford Handbook of Integrated Dental Biosciences 2nd Edition

Oxford Handbook of Integrated Dental Biosciences 2nd Edition

Practical, comprehensive, and concise, the Oxford Handbook of Integrated Dental Biosciences has been designed to reflect problem-based teaching scenarios, with extensive diagrams and illustrations to aid clinical understanding of the main text. Summary and key point boxes have been incorporated throughout to allow quick reference and easy assimilation of the content.


Formally known as the Oxford Handbook of Applied Dental Sciences, this second edition has been completely rewritten by a brand new author team, to closely integrate the non-clinical and clinical aspects of dentistry. Featuring separate sections detailing the relevant clinical application and putting the science into context, this handbook is ideal for dental students, dental trainees studying for higher qualifications, and practitioners as a useful aide memoire.



OSCE for Clinical Dental Sciences 1st Edition

OSCE for Clinical Dental Sciences 1st Edition

OSCE for Clinical Dental Sciences 1st Edition

Must-have book for dental students for the preparation of OSCEs at various levels. ·Coverage of wide variety of OSCE examples with answers from experts-of-view. ·Subject-wise layouts of the OSCEs have been followed for the easy categorization of topics by the students. ·Cases are designed to test skills such as diagnosis, rationale for treatment, communication skills, problem-solving and critical thinking skills. ·The book also aims at giving constructive ideas to academicians, who look forward to innovate, redesign, and implement OSCEs as a system of assessment.




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