Critical Care Intravenous Infusion Drug Handbook 3rd Edition
Compact and easy to use, this handy reference focuses on the information you need to administer intravenous medications in critical care and emergency environments. Essential coverage of 48 of the most common and complex IV drugs, including drip rate calculation charts, drug calculation formulae, and much more help you safely and efficiently administer IV drugs.
- Fully updated coverage includes the newest IV treatments with magnesium, conivaptan, potassium, and nicardipine, helping you provide the most effective care possible.
- Current drug dosing charts for 48 of the most common, and most difficult to administer, intravenous infusion critical care drugs ensure that the information you need is readily available.
- Quick reference drug compatibility charts provide instant access to this crucial information.
- Drip Rates and Dosing information are arranged in tabular manner for each drug referenced in the text, allowing you to quickly prepare drugs in critical situations.
- A Drug Calculation Formulae section includes a list of the formulae most useful in determining IV drug concentration, doses, and infusion rates, helping you to eliminate memorization errors when calculating these important parameters.
- Calculation factors based on patient weight enable you to quickly change a patient’s infusion dose and titrate the drug to reduce the chance of medication errors.
- Nursing Considerations in each drug monograph offer practical information on administration and monitoring.
- Trade and generic drug name indexes help you find information quickly no matter what name is used.
- A handy reference to ACLS guidelines allows you to quickly see how infusion therapy fits into the ACLS protocol.
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