Congenital Heart Defects. Decision Making for Surgery: Volume 3: CT-Scan and MRI 2009th Edition
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The diagnosis and management of congenital heart defects has rapidly evolved over the last few decades.
In this third volume of the series entitled “Congenital Heart Defects: Decision Making for Surgery” Antonio Corno provides an up-to-date and comprehensive presentation of the new role that cardiac CT and MRI will play in the management of congenital heart defects. He has been ably assisted by a cardiologist, Pierluigi Festa.
The book provides a dazzling array of images derived by both techniques and covers the full range of congenital heart malformations. Both the pre-operative and post-operative usefulness of these techniques is presented: in the pre-operative period with regard to the details useful for choosing among all available surgical options; in the post-operative period for monitoring the follow-up and potential complications.
There is no doubt that these techniques will be particularly helpful for older children and adults with congenital heart disease in assessing the late impact of a congenital heart malformation and the surgical repair or palliation which may have been undertaken years previously.
The time is definitely right for a comprehensive presentation of these new diagnostic modalities and the way in which they will influence the field of congenital heart management.
* First and only volume on the market presenting all the pre- and post-operative aspects and images of congenital heart defects as seen by cardiac CT and MRI
* Numerous illustrations provide clear and educationally useful images for each specific anatomic detail
* Helps to decide on the best surgical option
* Describes potential complications
* Provides advice with regard to monitoring in the post-operative period
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