Antibiotics Manual: A Guide to commonly used antimicrobials 2nd Edition

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A comprehensive compendium of all commonly used antibiotics, including indications, side effects, dosage information, and drug/food interactions

Antibiotics ManualA Guide to Commonly Used Antimicrobials, Second Edition is a unique, user-friendly guide made for all who prescribe antibiotics. It’s the only book available that takes a 100% drug-listed approach to 200 of the most common antibiotics prescribed to patients each day. Presented in full color, it’s also a convenient reference for every clinician to consult once the decision to use a particular antibiotic has been reached.

This edition of Antibiotics Manual includes newer antibiotics that have been released since the publication of the First Edition and updates prescribing information for the older antibiotics. This all-new Second Edition:

  • Has a color-coded interior design which provides quick and easy point of care access for the user
  • Includes 200 of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics, listed by both brand and generic names
  • Features important recently-released antibiotics such as ceftaroline, tedizolid, and bedaquiline

Antibiotics Manual: A Guide to Commonly Used Antimicrobials, Second Edition is a welcome book for physicians in all specialties of medicine who prescribe antibiotics. It is also a handy tool for pharmacists, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants who want more information on the drugs they administer.


Fixing Your Feet: Injury Prevention and Treatments for Athletes

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Foot pain and injuries can thwart even the most experienced athletes. Foot expert and ultra runner John Vonhof discredits the conventional wisdom of ‘no pain, no gain,’ teaching instead how the interplay of anatomy, biomechanics, and footwear can lead to happy or hurting feet. With a focus on individual and team care, the 6th edition of Fixing Your Feet covers all that any active person needs to know to find out what works now and also hundreds of miles down the road.

This sixth edition has an important new chapter, Blister Prevention – A New Paradigm. It contains new information about blister formation and introduces the concept of shear, which in turn, changes the way we look at blister prevention and treatment.

This comprehensive resources covers the full gamut of footwear basics, prevention, and treatments. If it can happen to a foot, it’s covered in this book.


Restless Legs Syndrome/Willis Ekbom Disease: Long-Term Consequences and Management 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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Due to the fact that Restless Legs Syndrome/Willis-Ekbom Disease is usually a chronic condition, this book aims to provide physicians with the necessary tools for the long-term management of patients with RLS. The first part of the book addresses the various comorbidities and long-term consequences of RLS on life quality, sleep, cognitive, psychiatric and cardiovascular systems, while the second part focuses on the management of long-term treatment and the drug-induced complications in primary RLS and in special populations. Written by experts in the field, this practical resource offers a high-quality, long-term management of RLS for neurologists, sleep clinicians, pulmonologists and other healthcare professionals.


Musculoskeletal Injuries and Conditions: Assessment and Management 1st Edition

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Musculoskeletal Injuries and Conditions: Assessment and Management is a practical guide to diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions in clinical practice. More comprehensive than a handbook, yet more clinically-focused than a desk reference, this volume is a one-stop guide for clinicians who deal with musculoskeletal disorders and injuries in the practice setting.

The book is organized by anatomic region, from neck to toe, and written in outline format. Each chapter concisely presents the basic knowledge that every practitioner needs to have at the ready in the outpatient clinical context. Taking a uniform approach based on isolating symptoms and the location of the pain, the book presents a uniquely practical template for nonoperative management of a broad spectrum of musculoskeletal problems. All chapters include epidemiology, anatomy, biomechanics, physical examination, diagnostic studies, and treatment. Flowcharts for differential diagnosis and initial management are provided for chief complaints. Helpful tables, lists, and over 150 anatomic illustrations supplement the text throughout. Given the increasing importance of ultrasound in clinical decision-making at the point of care, a mini-atlas of normal and abnormal findings for common injuries is presented as part of the imaging work-up.

Designed to help busy practitioners diagnose and treat musculoskeletal disorders in the clinic or office, this book is an essential resource for physicians in rehabilitation and sports medicine, primary care, orthopedics, and other health care professionals who work in outpatient settings.



    • Provides a consistent approach to managing common musculoskeletal conditions based on location of pain


    • Bulleted format and clear heading structure make it easy to find information
    • More than 30 flowcharts map out differential diagnosis, diagnostic approach, and initial management strategy for each complaint
    • Packed with useful tables, lists, and over 150 illustrations of surface anatomy
    • Integrates musculoskeletal ultrasound into the imaging workup, with over 40 normal and abnormal scans to aid in recognizing signature pathologies at the point of care


  • Purchase includes access to the fully-searchable downloadable e-book with image bank


Neurocritical Care for the Advanced Practice Clinician 1st ed. 2018 Edition

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By utilizing a review of case-based studies and providing concise management recommendations from leaders in the field, this book provides essential knowledge for those practicing in a dynamic specialty. In the rapidly developing field of Neurocritical Care, Advanced Practice Clinicians have become an integral component of the multi-disciplinary team. This essential volume provides a frame of reference for advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, physicians, and students on a wide range of common Neuro ICU diagnoses and management strategies.


Physiologic Anchorage Control: A New Orthodontic Concept and its Clinical Application 1st ed. 2017 Edition

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This book provides a comprehensive introduction to physiologic anchorage control, explains the implications for clinical practice, and presents an anchorage technique applicable for the treatment of different malocclusions. The concept of physiologic anchorage control is derived from observations of upper molar movement during growth in adolescence, including in the absence of orthodontic treatment, which indicate that molar forward displacement comprises two components: the first due to biologic force or physiologic anchorage loss and the second due to orthodontic force or mechanical anchorage loss. All previous anchorage methods have been based on the assumption that molar anchorage loss is to be attributed solely to the mechanical force used to retract anterior teeth, and the new concept represents a paradigm shift of clinical significance. This book explores the pattern of upper molar growth in depth, highlights the physiologic significance of the curve of Spee, and analyzes the biomechanics of physiologic anchorage control. An anchorage control system that fully takes into account the latest conceptual insights is described and its clinical use and utility, examined.


Transfusion Medicine 4th Edition

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Transfusion Medicine provides a concise, clinically focused and practical approach to the field of blood banking and transfusion therapy written by international expert, Jeffrey McCullough MD.

  • Concise, approachable, yet comprehensive approach to the field of transfusion medicine and blood banking
  • Offers extensive guidance on important topics such as; donor recruitment, blood collection and storage, donor testing and clinical uses of blood components, techniques of administration of blood components, complications of transfusion, transmissible diseases, the HLA system, and many more
  • Provides new content on patient blood management systems, the changing indications for red cell transfusion, new transmissible disease agents, management of massive blood loss, pathogen reduced blood components, therapeutic apheresis including photopheresis, management of massive transfusion and new cellular therapies.
  • Discusses global blood supply and US blood supply organizations and their consolidation and reorganization
  • Reviews other topics of current interest, such as mitigation strategies for TRALI prevention, effects of storage of blood on adverse effects, management of massive blood loss and massive transfusion protocols pathogen inactivation, and granulocyte transfusion
  • Extensively referenced for further study


Dosage Calculations: A Ratio-Proportion Approach (Book Only) 4th Edition

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About the Author

Prescriber’s Guide: Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology 6th Edition

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With the range of psychotropic drugs expanding and the usages of existing medications diversifying, we are pleased to present this very latest edition of what has become the indispensable formulary in psychopharmacology. This new edition features seven new compounds as well as information about several new formulations of existing drugs. In addition, many important new indications are covered for existing drugs, as are updates to the profiles of the entire content and collection, including an expansion of the sections on long-acting injectable formulations of antipsychotics. With its easy-to-use, template-driven navigation system, The Prescriber’s Guide combines evidence-based data with clinically informed advice to support everyone who is prescribing in the field of mental health.


100 Cases in Acute Medicine 1st Edition

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A 32-year-old Caucasian lady was admitted to hospital following a collapse at the gym. Her friends described the patient falling to the floor while exercising on the rowing machine, followed by twitching of her arms and legs and a period of being unrousable. You are the medic on duty…

100 Cases in Acute Medicine presents 100 acute conditions commonly seen by medical students and junior doctors in the emergency department, or on the ward, or in the community setting. A succinct summary of the patient’s history, examination, and initial investigations, including photographs where relevant, is followed by questions on the diagnosis and management of each case. The answer includes a detailed discussion of each topic, with further illustration where appropriate, providing an essential revision aid as well as a practical guide for students and junior doctors.

Making clinical decisions and choosing the best course of action is one of the most challenging and difficult parts of training to become a doctor. These cases will teach students and junior doctors to recognize important clinical symptoms and signs, and to develop their diagnostic and management skills.


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