Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine: Tissue Engineering and Clinical Applications
Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine: Tissue Engineering and Clinical Applications
This book is a comprehensive and up-to-date resource on the use of regenerative medicine for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. It provides a much-needed review of the rapid development and evolution of bio-fabrication techniques to engineer cardiovascular tissues as well as their use in clinical settings. The book incorporates recent advances in the biology, biomaterial design, and manufacturing of bioengineered cardiovascular tissue with their clinical applications to bridge the basic sciences to current and future cardiovascular treatment.
The book begins with an examination of state-of-the-art cellular, biomaterial, and macromolecular technologies for the repair and regeneration of diseased heart tissue. It discusses advances in nanotechnology and bioengineering of cardiac microtissues using acoustic assembly. Subsequent chapters explore the clinical applications and translational potential of current technologies such as cardiac patch-based treatments, cell-based regenerative therapies, and injectable hydrogels. The book examines how these methodologies are used to treat a variety of cardiovascular diseases including myocardial infarction, congenital heart disease, and ischemic heart injuries. Finally, the volume concludes with a summary of the most prominent challenges and perspectives on the field of cardiovascular tissue engineering and clinical cardiovascular regenerative medicine.
Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine is an essential resource for physicians, residents, fellows, and medical students in cardiology and cardiovascular regeneration as well as clinical and basic researchers in bioengineering, nanomaterial and technology, and cardiovascular biology.
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