Evidence-Based Cardiology Practice: A 21st Century Approach 1st Edition

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Medical decisions are made on the basis of critical thinking and clinical judgments are based on the relevancy of the collected data. Medical decisions and clinical judgments are the results of the long thought process generated from formal learning, data from guidelines and practice standards, experience, an understanding of the incidence of disease in the population that the patient represents, and the likelihood of a disease being present in a specific patient.

This book introduces and encourages the concept of evidence-based patient care. This work presents the ideology and methodology of critical thinking and also the available evidence, management and cost effectives across the field. Evidence-Based Cardiology is aimed at any clinician who encounters a cardiac patient from the Clerk to the Internist to the Practicing Physician, encouraging disease management decisions to be based on the highest level of evidence.



Practical Cardiovascular Medicine 1st Edition

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Prepare yourself for success with this unique cardiology primer which distils the core information you require and presents it in an easily digestible format.

  • Provides cardiologists with a thorough and up-to-date review of cardiology, from pathophysiology to practical, evidence-based management
  • Ably synthesizes pathophysiology fundamentals and evidence based approaches to prepare a physician for a subspecialty career in cardiology
  • Clinical chapters cover coronary artery disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, valvular disorders, pericardial disorders, and peripheral arterial disease
  • Practical chapters address ECG, coronary angiography, catheterization techniques, ecnocardiography, hemodynamics, and electrophysiological testing
  • Includes over 650 figures, key notes boxes, references for further study, and coverage of clinical trials
  • Review questions at the end of each chapter help clarify topics and can be used for Board preparation – over 375 questions in all!



Management of Heart Failure: Volume 2: Surgical 2nd ed. 2016 Edition

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Management of Heart Failure: Surgical will provide the full spectrum of surgical options, ICU management and rehabilitation, while also referencing heavily the companion volume of Management of Heart Failure: Medical by introducing the medical options in heart failure . The contributing authors are all key opinion leaders in the medical management of heart failure. This volume is designed to integrate with its sister medical title, but also alone be the definitive guide to the surgical management of heart failure.



Textbook of Interventional Cardiology, 7e 7th Edition

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Ideal for cardiologists, surgeons, and referring physicians who need a clinical guide to interventional procedures, Textbook of Interventional Cardiology focuses on the latest treatment protocols for managing heart disorders at every level of complexity. In this updated edition, Dr. Topol continues to bring together experts in the field who present the current state of knowledge and clinical practice in interventional cardiology, including cutting-edge theories, trends, and applications of diagnostic and interventional cardiology, as well as peripheral vascular techniques and practices.

  • Offers an in-depth understanding of cardiology, making it well suited for cardiology and interventional cardiology exam preparation.
  • Expert guidance from leading authorities ensures a fresh and balanced perspective on every aspect of interventional cardiology.
  • Presents the most recent genetic information and clinical trials related to interventional cardiology.
  • Highlights the latest treatment advances, procedures, devices, and techniques, including transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI).
  • Brand-new chapters include Radiation Safety, Renal Denervation for Resistant Hypertension, Post PCI Hospitalization, Length of Stay and Discharge Planning, and Interventional Heart Failure.
  • Offers balanced coverage of the entire scope of technologies available, without favoring one particular device over another.
  • Integrates the latest trial data into discussions on clinical practice and recommendations.
  • Multiple images of devices and intra-procedural imaging enhance your visual understanding of the material.
  • Key Points boxes at the beginning of each chapter summarize the most important facts.
  • Features 45 videos easily accessible via Expert Consult.
  • Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience offers access to all of the text, figures, videos, and references from the book on a variety of devices.



Clinical Guide to Cardiology (Clinical Guides) 1st Edition

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Clinical Guide to Cardiology is a quick-reference resource, packed full of bullet points, diagrams, tables and algorithms for the key concepts and facts for important presentations and conditions within cardiology. It provides practical, evidence-based information on interventions, investigations, and the management of clinical cardiology.

Key features include:
• A clear evidence-base providing key guidelines and clinical trials in each chapter
• Coverage of examination techniques, common conditions, imaging modalities (including ECGs, chest X-rays, MRI and CT), interventional therapies, and pharmacology
• A companion website at www.wiley.com/go/camm/cardiology featuring audio clips, developed for differing levels of knowledge, that explain key concepts or an area in greater detail, as well as numerous additional clinical case studies, audio scripts, and self-assessment material



IOC Manual of Sports Cardiology 1st Edition

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For the practicing sports medicine physician at the front line of sports cardiology, this comprehensive and authoritative resource provides a centralized source of information which addresses this important topic in an accessible manner. This book recognises the broad role sports physicians play, from liaison between athlete, family, specialist, and coaching staff based on the identification of pathological heart disease, to being first to respond when an athlete collapses. The chapters include basic science of disease and disorders, pathophysiology, diagnosis, the effect or role of exercise, and clinical management guidance.

  • Provides a comprehensive and authoritative overview on all aspects of sports cardiology
  • Addresses cardiac abnormalities confronting Olympic athletes, Paralympic athletes, as well as athletes competing on all other levels of competition
  • Endorsed by the Medical Commission of the International Olympic Committee (IOC)
  • Written and edited by global thought leaders in sports medicine



Cardiology Science and Technology

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Cardiology Science and Technology comprehensively deals with the science and biomedical engineering formulations of cardiology. As a textbook, it addresses the teaching, research, and clinical aspects of cardiovascular medical engineering and computational cardiology.

The books consists of two sections. The first section deals with left ventricular (LV) wall stress, cardiac contractility, ventricular remodeling, active wall stress and systolic pressure generation, and vector cardiogram characteristics, with applications in cardiology. The second section covers ECG signal analysis for arrhythmias detection, LV pumping (intra-LV, aortic and coronary flow) characteristics, and coronary bypass surgery design, with applications in cardiology and cardiac surgery.

This book is like an exciting train ride through the heart and into blood flows within its chamber, the coronary tree, the aorta, and finally into coronary flow and bypass grafting. The train starts from the heart’s central station and journeys through exciting places of heart wall stresses, cardiac contractility measures to characterize heart failure, and active stress generation to develop systolic heart pressure. We learn about cardiomyopathic heart remodeling and its surgical ventricular restoration, theory of ECG and vector cardiogram with medical applications, and heart rate variability signal processing to detect cardiac arrhythmias.

In the heart chamber, we witness the amazing intricate intra-ventricular flow patterns. Then, we study pressure pulse wave propagation into the aorta, determination of pulse wave velocity and arterial elasticity as a measure of arteriosclerosis. We climb into the mountainous coronary terrain and look at the fascinating scenery of coronary flows and myocardial perfusion that governs cardiac contractility. Finally, we arrive at coronary bypass grafting and witness the new sequential anastomosis design for enhanced patency.

This fascinating journey helps us to fully appreciate cardiology from the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics viewpoint. The book represents what can be termed as computational cardiology, and hence belongs to the emerging field of computational medicine.



Interventional Cardiology: Principles and Practice 2nd Edition

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Expert guidance from internationally recognized authorities, who provide clear and current updates on all aspects of interventional cardiology. This new edition;

  • Contains a radically expanded chapter contents list presented in four clear sections; coronary interventions, interventional pharmacology, structural heart interventions, and endovascular therapy
  • Includes 46 new chapters, including the latest advances in bioresorbable coronary stents, advanced transcatheter aortic valve replacement, MitraClip, new transcatheter mitral valve interventions, and more
  • Chapters are templated for rapid referral, beginning with pathophysiological background and relevant pathology, moving to mechanisms of treatment, device description, procedural techniques, follow-up care, and ending with risks, contraindications and complications
  • Multiple choice questions at the end of each chapter for self-assessment, a total of more than 400 MCQs in the book
  • Features 19 procedural videos, hosted on a companion website



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