Biochemistry 7th Edition
Ideal for readers encountering biochemistry for the first time, Garrett and Grisham�s BIOCHEMISTRY, Seventh Edition, makes even complex course concepts more accessible while revealing the beauty and usefulness of biochemistry in the everyday world. This engaging text illuminates the fundamental principles governing the structure, function and interactions of biological molecules, providing a solid foundation in biochemistry whether you are an undergraduate majoring in life sciences, chemistry or premedical programs, or a medical or graduate health sciences student seeking a deeper understanding of human physiology. Updated to reflect tremendous recent developments in biochemistry, the Seventh Edition features new and revised material and presentations throughout the text, incorporating additional content while maintaining a balanced and streamlined presentation. In addition, the authors emphasize the interrelationships of ideas to help you appreciate the overarching questions of biochemistry. The text is also integrated with OWLv2, a powerful online learning system for chemistry with text-specific end-of-chapter material to help you improve your grades and master course concepts.
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