Differential Diagnosis in Pediatric Dermatology 2013th Edition
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This book is devoted exclusively to differential diagnosis in pediatric dermatology. It covers the full range of relevant conditions: inherited skin disorders; nevi; viral, bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections; acne; allergic diseases; autoimmune skin disorders; connective tissue diseases; tumors; and miscellaneous conditions. Each comparison addresses the differential diagnosis between two (or occasionally three or four) dermatological conditions, containing between two and six images and a short text emphasizing the clinical differences between the diseases in question. At the end of each chapter, a summary highlights one or two characteristics essential for the differential diagnosis. The author is an expert who, since 1982, has been responsible for a column devoted to the differential diagnosis of pediatric dermatology in the European Journal of Pediatric Dermatology. The volume will represent an ideal tool for pediatric dermatologists, pediatricians, and GPs, and will help them in the diagnostic process.
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