Handbook for Clinical Trials of Imaging and Image-Guided Interventions 1st Edition
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Handbook for Clinical Trials of Imaging and Image-Guided Interventions is the first single-source, multi-disciplinary reference, based on the didactic sessions presented at the annual ‘Clinical Trials Methodology Workshop’ for radiologists, radiation oncologists and imaging scientists (sponsored by the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)). It focuses on educating radiologists, radiation oncologists and those involved in imaging research with how to design and conduct clinical trials to evaluate imaging technology and imaging biomarkers.
The internationally renowned contributors take a broad approach, starting with principles of technology assessment, and then move into specific topics covering the clinical trials of therapy and clinical research in imaging guided interventions including radiotherapy. They discuss the use of imaging as a predictor of therapeutic response, screening trial design, and the practicalities of how to run an efficient clinical trial and good working practices. Later chapters provide a comprehensive array of quantitative methods including: an introduction to statistical considerations in study design, biostatistical analysis methods and their role in clinical imaging research, methods for quantitative imaging biomarker studies, and an introduction to cost effectiveness analysis.
Handbook for Clinical Trials of Imaging and Image-Guided Interventions will educate and prepare radiologists at all levels and in all capacities in planning and conducting clinical imaging trials.
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