Understanding Human Anatomy and Pathology: An Evolutionary and Developmental Guide for Medical Students 1st Edition
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Understanding Human Anatomy and Pathology: An Evolutionary and Developmental Guide for Medical Students provides medical students with a much easier and more comprehensive way to learn and understand the gross anatomy and variations of our body by combining, for the first time, state-of-the-art knowledge about human anatomy, evolution, development, and pathology in one book, synthesizing data that would normally be available for students only by consulting several books at a time.
The book adds evolutionary, pathological, and developmental information in a way that reduces the difficulty and total time spent learning gross anatomy by making learning more logical and systematic, and understanding the ultimate reasons about why our body is as it is, and why we have certain pathologies and musculoskeletal injuries.
The anatomical illustrations are particularly excellent, and clearly a major strength of the book. They were done by a unique team of four multi-awarded, young scientific illustrators, and are carefully selected to follow the style of those seen in human anatomical atlases, but are simpler in their overall configuration, making them easier to understand without overwhelming students with visual information.
The book’s organization is also more versatile than most human anatomy texts so that students can refer to different sections according to their own learning styles, being able to learn either by focusing on different regions of the body or on different groups of structures/types of tissues.
Because it is relatively short in length and easily transportable, students can take this invaluable book anywhere and use it to study and understand most of the structures they need to learn for any gross anatomy course. By providing, for the first time, an unique combination of evolutionary, comparative, anatomical, developmental and pathological information, the book will also be a unique source for evolutionary and developmental biologists, comparative anatomists, functional morphologists, biological anthropologists, pathologists, and medical researchers that are interested to understand the origin of the human body and its variations, as well as human congenital malformations.
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