The Art and Science of Mental Health Nursing: A Textbook of Principles and Practice 3rd Edition
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“This book is certainly one of the key textbooks I would recommend to all mental health nursing students and practitioners in the UK. It captures both the ‘art’ and ‘science’ of our profession and this current edition articulates extremely well the service user perspective and changing policy context in which mental health nurses practice. The scope of the book is admirable and from a pedagogical perspective many of the chapters include ‘applied case studies’ or ‘reflective thinking spaces’ which illuminate and make real the often complex nature of mental health nursing.”
Dr Andrew Clifton, Huddersfield University, UK
“An incredibly useful and insightful book for those working within the field of mental health, this 3rd edition deconstructs and discusses a variety of topical principles, practices and perspectives that underpin mental illness and mental health nursing. The structure and presentation of the subject matter allow the book to meet both current curriculum and workforce development needs for students and qualified staff. The further development and discussion around the areas of Service Development, Older Person, Therapeutic Relationship, Continuing Professional Development, Talking Therapies and Alternative Therapies were particularly useful and impressive.”
Brian Bell, University of Wolverhampton, UK
“This is a contemporary text drawing on the practical aspects of what it is to be a Mental Health Nurse underpinned by the available evidence base. This 3rd edition builds upon earlier versions and situates the person as the focus. It reflects the contemporary context of Mental Health Nursing practice, which requires technical skills whilst engendering the message that the society we care for require compassionate nurses. I believe this balance is achieved through consideration of the art and science of Mental Health Nursing, and is packaged in a user friendly text which will be a reliable point of reference.”
Dr Shelly Allen, University of Salford, UK
“Can one book draw together the collective knowledge of a profession that has evolved over the last century? The answer is “no”, but Norman and Ryrie’s The Art and Science of Mental Health Nursing probably gets as close to this as possible. This comprehensive third edition has more chapters, which are more succinct than the previous edition, with a detailed contents page that makes it easier to use as a reference book. Drawing on a wide variety of authors, the book is coherent and well-edited and underpinned by an optimistic, recovery-focused approach to mental health nursing.
The different parts to the book represent a range of conceptual approaches to understanding mental health nursing, which covers the material in an interesting and informative way. The frequent use of scenarios and “thinking spaces” encourages application of theory to practice and I will be recommending this as a core text within the mental health specific modules.”
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