Essential Orthodontics (Essentials (Dentistry)) 1st Edition

Essential Orthodontics (Essentials (Dentistry)) 1st Edition

Essential Orthodontics is a comprehensive introduction to the biological principles of orthodontics. This book covers the why, when and how of orthodontics, enabling readers to identify which individuals need to be treated, to diagnose based on individual dentofacial development, and to understand the mechanical principles and tissue responses involved.

Divided into three parts, this authoritative resource covers pretreatment considerations, treatment principles of skeletal and dentoalveolar anomalies, and tissue response to orthodontic and orthopaedic forces. Classification of malocclusions and craniofacial growth and development are discussed, and the text explores how to distinguish between normal occlusion and malocclusions. Essential Orthodontics outlines how to perform a comprehensive orthodontic examination leading to an orthodontic diagnosis, and the formation of a treatment plan.

Following a student-friendly layout with key objectives and chapter summaries, Essential Orthodontics is an accessible yet comprehensive resource for both undergraduate and postgraduate dental students.  



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