Wide Awake Hand Surgery and Therapy Tips 2nd Edition
Wide Awake Hand Surgery and Therapy Tips 2nd Edition
WALANT (Wide Awake Local Anesthesia No Tourniquet) eliminates the need for preoperative testing, sedation, intravenous insertion, and monitoring in upper and lower limb surgery. Coupled with minimal pain injection techniques using pure local anesthesia with lidocaine and epinephrine, this technique has significantly improved hand surgery for patients and surgeons in many ways. Wide Awake Hand Surgery and Therapy Tips, Second Edition, provides readers with the best and latest WALANT advances from Donald H. Lalonde and an impressive group of hand surgeons from 15 countries that have incorporated this groundbreaking technique into practice to benefit their patients. Each richly illustrated chapter encompasses evidence-based benefits, step-by-step guidance, patient education tips, detailed injection directions, surgery and therapy tips and tricks, postsurgical management, and related videos.
WALANT produces better outcomes in flexor and extensor tendon repair, tendon transfer, tenolysis, tendon grafts, and finger fracture surgery because unsedated patients can easily move reconstructed parts during surgery. This allows surgeons to make required adjustments and teach patients uninterrupted while they are awake. Eliminating sedation also decreases risks, increases patient safety, and reduces pain associated with intravenous insertion. Simple surgeries such as trigger finger and carpal tunnel release no longer require costly main operating rooms. Instead, they can be performed in minor procedure rooms with evidence-based sterility, resulting in lower costs and reduced waste.
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