Approach to Internal Medicine: A Resource Book for Clinical Practice 5th Edition

Approach to Internal Medicine: A Resource Book for Clinical Practice 5th Edition

The fully updated fifth edition of this highly successful textbook provides an integrated symptom- and issue-based approach to internal medicine with easily accessible, high-yield clinical information. For each topic, carefully organized sections on different diagnoses, investigations, and treatments are designed to facilitate patient care and examination preparation. Numerous clinical pearls and comparison tables are provided to help enhance learning, and international units (US and metric) are used to facilitate application in everyday clinical practice.

In addition to the central tenets of internal medicine, the book covers many highly important, rarely discussed topics in medicine, including: palliative care, obstetrical medicine, transfusion reactions, needle stick injuries, interpretation of gram stain, depression and code status discussion. This fifth edition additionally includes new coverage of the coronavirus-19 and cancer survivorship while being fully updated throughout. Authors present this information in a streamlined fashion, preserving the book’s pocket-sized, quick reference format.





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