Textbook of Clinical Otolaryngology
Textbook of Clinical Otolaryngology
This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in otolaryngology, discussing all the newly advances in the subspecialties of head and neck, plastics, otology, laryngology, rhinology and pediatrics, and also addressing topics like allergy, sleep medicine, trauma, and the fundamentals of systemic diseases that frequently manifest in the head and neck region.
The book is divided into 9 sections, presenting the recent literature concerning all the subspecialties in otolaryngology and providing the information necessary for readers to gain an understanding of the field of otolaryngology.
Each chapter includes definitions, key points and take-home messages, to aid learning. Throughout the book, tips and key features are highlighted with boxes, tables and figures, which the reader can refer back to for quick revision. Above all, the book enables medical students, residents and junior specialists in the field of ENT to develop their learning and surgical skills.
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