Periorbital Rejuvenation: A Practical Manual
Periorbital Rejuvenation: A Practical Manual
This title represents a comprehensive manual of periorbital rejuvenation and includes an in-depth review of the anatomy of the orbit and periorbital region. Physiological changes associated with the aging of the periorbital region and potential rejuvenation options are also covered, while readers are given a series of step-by-step illustrative guides to procedural techniques. The book provides a valuable selection of clinical pearls on how to avoid potential pitfalls using a number of cases in which a range of potential invasive and non-invasive treatment options, including neuromodulators and cosmeceuticals, are used.
Periorbital Rejuvenation: A Practical Manual provides a comprehensive and concise overview of periorbital anatomy and the potential effects of aging. Cutting-edge laser treatment options including laser assisted and neuromodulator techniques are ideal for the trainee to develop their knowledge and as a reference guide for the experienced practitioner.
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