Pediatric Ultrasound: Requisites and Applications 2nd ed

Pediatric Ultrasound: Requisites and Applications 2nd ed

Pediatric Ultrasound: Requisites and Applications 2nd ed

This book, now in a revised and updated second edition, systematically covers the use of ultrasound in all organ systems throughout childhood. After discussing the basics, including physics, ultrasound methods, and artifacts, it elucidates decision-making regarding the use of ultrasound by discussing diagnostic flow charts based on recommended imaging algorithms. The main part of the book addresses ultrasound investigations of the various organs. It documents the indications and prerequisites for specific examinations and offers practical tips and tricks. The normal, age-dependent ultrasound findings and typical appearances in different pathologies are presented in detail and illustrated by numerous high-quality images, with a particular emphasis on those findings that differ from the adult sonographic appearances. And finally, dedicated chapters explore point-of-care and emergency ultrasound, interventional ultrasound, and present orienting tables.


This state-of-the-art book covers modern techniques and applications, like contrast-enhanced ultrasound, ultrasound elastography, and automated-image optimization, as well as all pediatric ultrasound applications from point-of-care ultrasound and orienting assessment also at the intensive care unit/emergency room to more detailed and advanced applications, e.g., in dedicated tertiary referral centers.


Pediatric Ultrasound is an invaluable source of information and an indispensable aid to decision-making and diagnosis for radiology residents, (pediatric) radiologists, sonographers, pediatricians, (pediatric) surgeons, urologists, and all other physicians who deal with children as a part of their daily practice.




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