NASM – Corrective Exercise for Shoulder Impairments
NASM – Corrective Exercise for Shoulder Impairments
13.7 million people per year report having shoulder problems. Rotator cuff tendonitis and shoulder impingement are the most common diagnoses. Make sure that you are prepared to deal with the complexity of the shoulder girdle so you can prevent a problem before it arises. Come cultivate the knowledge base that will help you to foster relationships with licensed healthcare professionals so you can develop a referral stream.
Learning objectives
1. Identify risk factors for shoulder impairments.
2. Explain basic functional anatomy of the shoulder complex.
3. Facilitate movement assessments for the shoulder complex.
4. Differentiate between probable overactive and underactive muscles when shoulder impairments are identified.
5. Develop a basic corrective program for shoulder impairments.
6. Perform basic corrective exercise techniques for shoulder impairments.
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