Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Skeletal Musculature (Medical Radiology) 2014th Edition

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In the past, MRI has often been assigned a subsidiary role in the diagnostic work-up of muscular diseases owing to the frequent inability of routine MRI protocols to detect pathognomonic findings. This situation is changing with the advent of modern MR imaging techniques that offer deeper insights into various surrogate pathophysiologic parameters. In this book, recognized experts from around the world provide a comprehensive overview of the value of cutting-edge MRI for the assessment of normal and diseased skeletal muscle. A range of aspects are covered, from the general role of MRI in imaging the skeletal musculature, including in comparison with ultrasonography, through to the current value of MRI in the diagnostic work-up of different diseases. In addition, several chapters present research findings in respect of modern morphological and functional MRI techniques and provide examples of the added value provided by these techniques when evaluating muscular diseases.



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