OSCE and Clinical Skills Handbook 2nd Edition

OSCE and Clinical Skills Handbook 2nd Edition

During their education, medical students must learn and develop the fundamental history-taking and physical examination skills to prepare them for their medical careers. In an effort to standardize the clinical evaluations of these skills, North American medical schools use Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs). Medical students and residents perform clinical tasks with a simulated patient and the student is evaluated on the questions that are asked of the “patient” and how the physical examination is conducted. These are generally evaluated in a checklist manner, with appropriate actions receiving a checkmark.
Most medical schools use this form of evaluation as early as the first year of medicine. The OSCE and Clinical Skills Handbook was designed as a study aid for medical students preparing for these examinations. It summarizes important history and physical examination skills but also presents the information in a Q & A format, designed to facilitate both individual and group study. It is a practical review for medical students of all levels. The various disorders are described in such a way as to guide the less experienced while also including a more sophisticated multi-system perspective.
The OSCE and Clinical Skills Handbook will be a valuable comprehensive reference to which any level of student can return often.


  • Emphasis on basic clinical skills facilitates learning by junior medical students.


  • Question and answer format suitable to a variety of learning levels facilitates the learning of basic skills for junior medical students and helps senior medical students develop an approach to clinical symptomatology.


  • Important points are presented in an easy-to-read bulleted list format.


  • Sample OSCE Scenarios and Sample Checklists provide accurate and realistic simulations of the OSCE exam format for students.


  • The OSCE Checklist Template enables students to construct their own sample checklists using cases from the book and helps them develop an approach to a variety of clinical scenarios.


  • A sample in-depth OSCE case provides an opportunity for practice.


  • The body systems approach and tabbing system provide fast and easy access to the content.


Kaplan & Sadock’s Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry Fifth Edition

Kaplan & Sadock’s Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry Fifth Edition

Kaplan & Sadock’s Concise Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry Fifth Edition

Succinct, authoritative, and affordable, medical book Kaplan & Sadock’s Concise Textbook of Psychiatry, 5th Edition, provides must-know information in clinical psychiatry from the names you trust. From cover to cover, it contains the most relevant clinical material from the bestselling Kaplan and Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry, 12th Edition, including the foundational chapters on assessment, the disorder specific chapters, and all of the treatment-specific chapters among other essential topics such as emergency psychiatry, ethics, and palliative/end-of-life care. New editors Robert Boland and Marcia L. Verduin, along with consulting editor Pedro Ruiz, have updated all content with a focus on reformatting and summarizing for faster access to key information.


  • Provides concise but thorough coverage of the entire field of clinical psychiatry, including biologic, psychologic, and sociologic factors in health and disease.
  • Offers step-by-step guidance on the clinical examination, the psychiatric report, medical assessment of the psychiatric patient, laboratory tests, and signs and symptoms, as well as all psychiatric and substance-related disorders, with special chapters on children, adolescents, and the elderly.
  • Presents the most current treatment methods including descriptions of all modern psychotherapeutic techniques.
  • Contains real-world case histories throughout and features a unique glossary of psychiatric signs and symptoms.
  • Includes thorough updates and revisions throughout, all consistent with the DSM-5.
  • Presents a comprehensive overview of the clinical aspects of psychiatry for clinicians, residents, students, and all others who provide mental health care.




Clinical Biochemistry:Metabolic and Clinical Aspects: With Expert Consult access, 3e 3rd Edition

Clinical Biochemistry: Metabolic and Clinical Aspects 3rd Edition

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Now fully revised and updated, Clinical Biochemistry, third edition is essential reading for specialty trainees, particularly those preparing for postgraduate examinations. It is also an invaluable current reference for all established practitioners, including both medical and scientist clinical biochemists.

Building on the success of previous editions, this leading textbook primarily focuses on clinical aspects of the subject, giving detailed coverage of all conditions where clinical biochemistry is used in diagnosis and management – including nutritional disorders, diabetes, inherited metabolic disease, metabolic bone disease, renal calculi and dyslipidaemias. The acquisition and interpretation of clinical biochemical data are also discussed in detail.

  • Expanded sections on haematology and immunology for clinical biochemists provide a thorough understanding of both laboratory and clinical aspects
  • New chapters are included on important evolving areas such as the metabolic response to stress, forensic aspects of clinical biochemistry and data quality management
  • An extended editorial team – including three expert new additions – ensures accuracy of information and relevance to current curricula and clinical practice
  • A superb new accompanying electronic version provides an enhanced learning experience and rapid reference anytime, anywhere!

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  • Straightforward navigation and search across all Elsevier titles
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Clinical Skills: An introduction for nursing and healthcare 2nd Edition

Clinical Skills: An introduction for nursing and healthcare 2nd Edition

Clinical Skills: an introduction for nursing and healthcare is a comprehensive learning resource for student nurses.

Printed in full color throughout, this textbook covers all the key clinical skills required for effective and efficient practice. The book maps the development of the student nurse in relation to clinical skill acquisition, focusing not only on the dexterity aspects, but also on the underpinning theory and the attitudinal aspects of skill delivery.

Using a scenario-based approach, this book relates skills to ‘real’ people and situations. In addition to providing step-by-step instruction on how to perform clinical skills, it asks the students to reflect and consider how these skills and related principles may be transferred to other situations and contexts. Above all, the authors are offering students a friendly, interactive and visual approach to skills acquisition.

Written by an experienced team of clinical skills educators at the University of Central Lancashire in the UK, 
Clinical Skills provides students and lecturers with:
• up-to-date theory and evidence-based practice
• scenarios and case studies
• step-by-step clinical skills guidance
• activities to encourage reflection
• exercises for self-assessment and skills practice
• a glossary, references and further reading.



Clinical Cases in Hair Disorders

Clinical Cases in Hair Disorders

Clinical Cases in Hair Disorders

This book identifies the broad scope of dermatological conditions in patients with hair and scalp disorders, with particular focus on the hair. These disorders can be associated with various conditions, such as inflammatory, neoplastic and systemic diseases. Often patient history and physical examination significantly narrow the differential diagnosis, but in doubtful cases, trichoscopy or scalp biopsy is needed to establish correct diagnosis. Treatment of hair disease varies from topical through intralesional to systemic options, dependent from type and severity of the disease as well as coexisted conditions.




Tinnitus Treatment: Clinical Protocols 2nd Edition

Tinnitus Treatment: Clinical Protocols 2nd Edition

Since publication of the first edition in 2005, new developments have impacted the treatment paradigm for tinnitus, such as sensory meditation and mindfulness. Tinnitus Treatment: Clinical Protocols, Second Edition, by world-renowned tinnitus experts and distinguished authors Richard S. Tyler and Ann Perreau provides comprehensive background information, up-to-date strategies, essential tools, and online supplementary materials grounded in years of clinical experience and research. It fills a gap in graduate education and available materials to empower audiologists to effectively treat patients suffering from bothersome to severely debilitating symptoms associated with tinnitus or hyperacusis.


The textbook includes 15 chapters, starting with three chapters on tinnitus models, treatment approaches, and self-treatment options. The next three chapters summarize counseling approaches for audiologists and psychologists, including introduction of the three-track psychological counseling program for managing tinnitus. Chapters 7 and 8 discuss the use of hearing aids in patients with hearing loss-related tinnitus and sound therapy using wearable devices. Chapter 9 covers smartphone apps for tinnitus assessment, management, and education and wellness, including discussion of limitations. The last six chapters provide guidance on tinnitus management topics including treating children, implementing outcome measures, hyperacusis treatment, and future directions.




Clinical Audiology: An Introduction 3rd Edition

Clinical Audiology: An Introduction 3rd Edition

The third edition of Clinical Audiology: An Introduction provides a comprehensive enhancement of all the introductory material available in previous editions of this stimulating textbook. Students can gain an understanding of the scope of the field of audiology and feel prepared to dive deeper into the subject as they progress through their courses. This essential book, now with even more exciting content and features, focuses on the clinical nature of audiology to familiarize students with the many challenging questions encountered by an audiologist.

This textbook is intended primarily for beginning-level students in the fields of audiology and speech-language pathology. It is intended for the first major courses in audiology, whether it be at the undergraduate or graduate level.

Whether your goal is to pursue a career as an audiologist or a speech-language pathologist, Clinical Audiology: An Introduction, Third Edition is the most comprehensive, accessible book available to provide you with the clinical understanding to advance in your chosen field.




Ballweg’s Physician Assistant: A Guide to Clinical Practice 7th Edition

Ballweg’s Physician Assistant: A Guide to Clinical Practice 7th Edition

Ballweg’s Physician Assistant: A Guide to Clinical Practice 7th Edition

Designed as a highly visual and practical resource to be used across the spectrum of lifelong learning, Ballweg’s Physician Assistant, 7th Edition, helps you master all the core competencies needed for physician assistant certification, recertification, and clinical practice. It remains the only textbook that covers all aspects of the physician assistant profession, the PA curriculum, and the PA’s role in clinical practice. Ideal for both students and practicing PAs, it features a succinct, bulleted writing style, convenient tables, practical case studies, and clinical application questions that enable you to master key concepts and clinical applications.

  • Addresses all six physician assistant competencies, as well as providing guidance for the newly graduated PA entering practice.
  • Includes five new chapters: What Is a Physician Assistant, and How Did We Get Here?, Effective Use of Technology for Patient-Centered Care, Success in the Clinical Year, Transitioning to Practice and Working in Teams,  and Finding Your Niche.
  • Features an enhanced focus on content unique to the PA profession that is not readily found in other resources, more illustrations for today’s visually oriented learners, a more consistent format throughout, and a new emphasis on the appropriate use of social media among healthcare professionals.
  • Provides updated content throughout to reflect the needs of the PA profession,  including new content on self-care for the PA to help prevent burnout, suicide, and other hazards faced by healthcare professionals.
  • Guides students in preparation for each core clinical rotation and common electives, as well as working with  special patient populations such as patients experiencing homelessness and patients with disabilities.
  • Includes quick-use resources, such as objectives and key points sections for each chapter, tip boxes with useful advice, abundant tables and images, and more than 130 updated case studies.
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices, as well as exclusive eBook chapters: A Primer on Learning Objectives, A Primer on Item Writing, and A Primer on Team-Based Learning.




Essential Clinical Procedures Expert Consult 4th Edition

Essential Clinical Procedures Expert Consult 4th Edition

Provide safe and effective care to every patient with the fully revised 4th Edition of Essential Clinical Procedures. Written by experts in the field, this widely used reference shows you step by step how to perform more than 70 of the most common diagnostic and treatment-related procedures in today’s primary care and specialist settings. You’ll find clear, concise coverage of the skills you need to know, including new and advanced procedures and new procedure videos.


Covers patient preparation, the proper use of instruments, and potential dangers and complications involved in common procedures, as well as nonprocedural issues such as informed consent, standard precautions, patient education, and procedure documentation.

Includes new chapters on Point-of-Care Ultrasound and Ring Removal, as well as 34 new procedure videos.

Features significantly revised content on cryosurgery • injection techniques • arterial puncture • shoulder/finger subluxations • sterile technique • outpatient coding • casting and splinting • blood cultures • standard precautions • and more.

Contains more than 200 high-quality illustrations, including updated images of office pulmonary function testing and wound closure.

Uses a consistently formatted presentation to help you find information quickly.

Reflects the latest evidence-based protocols and national and international guidelines throughout.




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