First Aid Q&A for the USMLE Step 1, Second Edition (First Aid USMLE) 2nd Edition


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1000 questions and answers prepare you for the USMLE Step 1!

The only comprehensive Q&A review for the USMLE Step directly linked to high-yield facts from Dr. Le’s First Aid for the USMLE Step 1, this essential study guide offers 1000 board-style questions and answers, easy-to-navigate, high yield explanations for correct and incorrect answers, and more than 350 accompanying images.


  • 1000 board-style questions and answers — reviewed and approved — by students who just aced the exam
  • Detailed explanations for both right and wrong answers – with letter options in boldface for at-a-glance review
  • Chapters keyed to Dr. Le’s First Aid for the USMLE Step1 so you can simultaneously review questions and high-yield facts
  • 350+ high-yield images, diagrams, and tables
  • One complete practice exam consisting of 7 blocks of 50 questions simulates the exam experience

Download this book free here

Nurse to Nurse Trauma Care 1st Edition


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A trauma nurse of more than 26 years shares her wisdom and experience

Includes Full-Text Download!

“This book covers trauma assessment and injuries in depth, empowering trauma nurses to provide the highest quality care….Based on over 26 years of trauma nursing experience, the author writes a book for other trauma nurses that will sharpen their assessment skills as well as their delivery of care to trauma patients….This insightful book is extremely easy to navigate from and a valuable resource for trauma nurses.”–Doody’s Review Service

This instant-access point-of-care manual is like having an experienced peer carefully explain everything you must know and do in order to assure the best outcomes for your trauma patients. You’ll find insights and learning aids that help you manage even the most difficult trauma situations

Numerous boxes, tables, illustrations, and algorithms help you understand:

  • Mechanisms of injury
  • Trauma resuscitation and stabilization
  • Trauma systems
  • Regional injuries including external, head, spine and spinal cord, face and neck, thoracic, abdominal, orthopedic, and burn
  • Trauma in women and specialty populations
  • Trauma critical care
  • Environmental and mass casualty injury


Nursing Spectrum Drug Handbook 2010, Fifth Edition (McGraw-Hill’s Nurses Drug Handbook) 5th Edition


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Published in cooperation with the world’s #1 nursing periodical

Nursing Spectrum Drug Handbook delivers what nurses from around the world said they wanted most in such a publication: ease of use and a strong emphasis on patient safety. As convenient as it is thorough, the handbook enables nurses to carry essential drug information around with them wherever they go.


First Aid for the Orthopaedic Boards, Second Edition 2nd Edition


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First Aid for the® Orthopaedic Boards is a concise, up-to-date review of frequently-tested, must-know topics for the in-service exam (OITE) and the orthopaedic boards. High-yield facts and numerous illustrations make this review perfect for early board preparation as well as last-minute review before the exam.

  • Written by successful test-takers from Duke University’s Orthopaedic Surgery Program
  • Completely updated based on resident feedback to include the latest topics and techniques
  • High-yield information, mnemonics, illustrations, and clinical images
  • Tells you what to expect and how to prepare for exam day
  • Great for early board preparation and last-minute review
  • 30 pages of all new material


McGraw-Hill Specialty Board Review Dermatology: A Pictorial Review, Second Edition 2nd Edition


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A full-color review of the entire field of dermatology!

“Ali’s book is a much-needed, succinct, accessible and affordably priced overview of clinical dermatology that will be a tremendous aid to dermatologists in training and those seeking a quick review of commonly tested subjects.”–Journal of Drugs in Dermatology (on the first edition)

Featuring more than 350 full-color illustrations and concise, at-a-glance text, Dermatology: A Pictorial Reviewdelivers a complete overview of clinical dermatology. Covering topics as diverse as hair, nail, and skin disease to cosmetic dermatology and the treatment of skin cancer, this well-illustrated guide will prove invaluable as a review for certification, recertification, or any other dermatology examination.


  • 350 full-color illustrations that prepare you for what you will see in clinical practice
  • 400 multiple-choice questions with detailed answer explanations
  • Quick-read bulleted text that focuses on high-yield facts

Content that spans the entire field of dermatology:
Hair Findings, Eye Findings, Nail Findings, Fungal Disease, Cutaneous Infestations, Contact Dermatitis, Dermatologic Medications, Pediatric Dermatology, Vascular Tumors and Malformations, Autoimmune Bullous Diseases, Radiologic Findings, Electron Microscopy, Surgery and Anatomy, Cosmetic Dermatology, Bacterial Diseases, Immunology Review, Viral Diseases, Basic Science Review, Nutrition Related Diseases, Cutaneous Findings Related to Pregnancy, Histologic Stains and Special Studies, Genital Dermatology, Cutaneous Malignancies, Dermoscopy, Cutaneous Manifestations of Rhematologic Diseases, Biostatistics, Cutaneous Manifestations of Metabolic, Oral Pathology, Pigmentary Disorders; Disorders of Cornification, Infiltration, and Inflammation; Disorders of Fat, Genodermatosis, Cutaneous Tumors, Boards Fodder


Case Files High-Risk Obstetrics (LANGE Case Files) 1st Edition


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Real patients, real cases teach you high-risk obstetrics

“This is an excellent handbook on high risk obstetrics. The ideal audience is medical students or residents in the field who like real life scenarios to accentuate their learning. It is best suited for those in a time crunch, and residents and students certainly qualify. 3 Stars.”–Doody’s Review Service

Case Files: High-Risk Obstetrics uses fifty clinical cases to illustrate evidence-based practice in high-risk obstetrics patients. Each case includes open-ended questions, extended discussion, Practice Pearls, a “Controversy” discussion, comprehension questions, and references to the most current literature with a brief critique of each article. This unique learning system teaches you to be a better clinician by learning in the context of real patients and reinforcing the latest evidence-based medicine.


  • Clear and easy-to-follow case-based format helps residents and fellows develop clinical thinking skills
  • Based on current journal articles and landmark studies, with an accompanying brief critique
  • “Practical Pearls” give evidence-based recommendations for patient management
  • “Controversy” feature discusses current controversies and different views related to each case
  • Multiple-choice comprehension questions accompany each case
  • Original line drawings and clinical images
  • Proven learning system improves exam scores


Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies, Ninth Edition (Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergenciess)) 9th Edition


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The most trusted, rigorous, and up-to-date toxicology resource and educational companion available – now in full color

A Doody’s Core Title ESSENTIAL PURCHASE for 2011!

Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies continues to be the source you can turn to first for any poisoning or overdose. The text provides clear information on every aspect of toxicologic emergencies, from pharmacology to clinical presentation to management.

Fully referenced and featuring a consistent organization, Goldfrank’s begins with an in-depth examination of general principles of medical toxicology. It then progresses to the biochemical principles and molecular basis of toxicology, and provides detailed insight into how xenobiotics affect vital signs, organs, and systems throughout the body. Next, a wide spectrum of clinically important exposures — including drugs, plants, metals, household products, occupational and environmental xenobiotics are covered within logical categories for easy access to information. Finally, the book concludes with sections on principles of practicing clinical toxicology in today’s challenging healthcare environment.


  • Full-color design and uniformly drawn figures clarify key concepts
  • Special Considerations focus on decision-making in unique toxicologic circumstances, that influence clinical practice and have the potential to improve patient care
  • Antidotes in Depth, following pertinent chapters, place each antidote in its proper context to ensure immediate availability of essential information relevant for clinical use
  • More clinically-relevant figures and quick-reference tables
  • Online learning center, available at, includes case studies, and a database of multiple choice questions that allow you to create a custom test for review and study.
  • Every chapter is thoroughly rewritten and new chapters are added to reflect the very latest thinking in the field


First Aid for the Basic Sciences, Organ Systems (First Aid Series) 1st Edition


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Zero-in on what you must know to excel in medical school and ace your course exams and the USMLE!

From the authors of First Aid for the® USMLE Step 1 comes this comprehenisve summary of essential basic science organ systems covered in the first two years of medical school. It provides the background you need before reviewing for the board and distills important course material down to easily understood parts.


  • Emphasizes the major basic science concepts taught in medical school
  • Covers the high-yield topics and facts tested on the USMLE
  • Provides a practical framework for learning basic sciences by organ system
  • Written by top students who aced their exams and the USMLE
  • Organized in the same manor as First Aid for the® USMLE Step 1 to facilitate cross-study
  • Packed with hundreds of full-color images and tables
  • Great for PBL and integrated curricula

Use in conjunction with First Aid for the® Basic Sciences: General Principles for a complete review of basic science covered in the first two years of medical school


Urology Board Review: Pearls of Wisdom, Third Edition 3rd Edition


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3300+ quick-hit Q&As and over 100 X-ray and ultrasound images help you ace the Urology boards

Like flashcards in a book, this quick-hit question and answer review for the urology boards provides intense, streamlined review and is the perfect complement to larger urology and surgery texts. You’ll find more than 3,300 Q&As with only the right answer provided – there are no multiple-choice distracters – so there’s no chance of an incorrect answer staying in your mind. Also included are more than 100 X-rays and ultrasound images. Chapters are written by experts in the field to give you comprehensive coverage of important urological topics.

  • Formatted in a rigorous quick-hit question and answer format consisting of short clinical questions with concise answers.
  • Emphasis on distilling key facts and clinical pearls that are essential for exam success.
  • Completely updated with over 30% new questions and 20% more x-rays.
  • NEW: Questions on new technologies such as robotics and laparoscopic surgery, advances in cancer chemotherapy, medical urology, and complications related to new medicines (such as Topamax).
  • NEW: Improved quality of x-rays and imaging study pictures, including many new images (over 100 in all)


Case Files Pediatrics, Third Edition (LANGE Case Files) 3rd Edition


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Real-Life cases for the Pediatrics clerkship and the shelf-exam

You need exposure to high-yield cases to excel on the pediatrics clerkship and on the shelf-exam. Case Files: Pediatrics presents 60 real-life cases that illustrate essential concepts in pediatrics. Each case includes a complete discussion, clinical pearls, references, definitions of key terms, and USMLE-style review questions. With this system, you’ll learn in the context of real patients, rather than merely memorize facts.p>


  • 60 high-yield pediatrics cases, each with USMLE-style questions
  • Clinical pearls highlight key concepts
  • Primer on how to approach clinical problems and think like a doctor
  • Proven learning system maximizes your shelf-exam scores


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