DeGowin’s Diagnostic Examination, Ninth Edition 9th Edition

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The classic point-of-care guide to the undifferentiated patient — completely revised and easier to navigate than ever!

A Doody’s Core Title for 2011!

“DeGowin’s is considered one of the first books on diagnosis, and the one most physicians trained in the last 40 years grew up with. With this edition, the authors continue the unparalleled tradition of providing a comprehensive, understandable way to approach a patient….DeGowin’s is considered one of the first books on diagnosis, and the one most physicians trained in the last 40 years grew up with. With this edition, the authors continue the unparalleled tradition of providing a comprehensive, understandable way to approach a patient.”–Doody’s Review Service

Part physical examination primer, part differential diagnosis tool, DeGowin’s Diagnostic Examination takes you a step beyond elementary physical diagnosis.

DeGowin’s covers all physical examination techniques and procedures, but this highly practical point-of-care guide goes further, focusing on the meaning of signs and symptoms. It also shows you how to catalog clinical findings resulting from the physical examination–and order them into a differential diagnosis.


    All the essentials of the diagnosis exam procedure and patient record preparation – in one ultra-handy reference

  • Top-to-bottom coverage of differential diagnosis, organized by systems, signs, and syndromes
  • High-yield overviews of each organ/region/system, followed by the definition of key presenting signs and their possible origins
  • NEW! Updated content includes the latest developments in evidence-based physical examination, along with references to the popular JAMA series “The Rational Clinical Examination”
  • NEW! 24 full-color illustrations
  • NEW! Full-text download for your mobile device


Breast Augmentation (McGraw-Hill Plastic Surgery Atlas) 1st Edition


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A full-color step-by-step atlas of operative techniques in aesthetic breast augmentation

Includes DVD of surgical procedures

Part of the McGraw-Hill Plastic Surgery Atlas series

“Drawings, illustrations, and photographs are highly illustrative. An accompanying DVD brings to life breast augmentation surgery….for an easy to read and quick reference guide, this book hits the mark. 3 Stars.”–Doody’s Review Service

Featuring 110 photographs and 124 illustrations – all in color – Breast Augmentation is an unmatched visual guide to learning technical pearls for primary and revision breast augmentation. Specific surgical procedures are illustrated step-by-step to help you to fully understand the principles and techniques for optimizing outcomes in your patients.

Chapters focus on different aspects and approaches to primary and secondary breast augmentation and include:

  • The process of breast augmentation
  • Incision planning
  • Instruments
  • Markings/landmarks
  • Details of procedure including dual place pocket dissection
  • Pitfalls
  • Pearls


  • Approaches including: trans-axillary, peri-areolar, and the “new” infra-mammary incision
  • Revision breast augmentation techniques include: capsular contracture, malposition, and hyperanimation deformities
  • A companion DVD of surgical procedures
  • Key chapters on the process of breast augmentation, patient education, tissue-based planning, and post-operative management


Hurst Reviews NCLEX-RN Review 1st Edition


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Ace the NCLEX-RN–with the help of nursing review pioneer Marlene Hurst!

Use Marlene’s unique “no cram, pass with what you already know” system and slash your study time in half

Based on Marlene Hurst’s phenomenally popular nursing seminars that train over 30,000 students annually, this innovative review is loaded with the author’s time-tested strategies–all designed to help you pass the NCLEX certification and course exams the first time around!

NCLEX-RN Review breaks the mold of other review books by explaining how to apply critical thinking and test-taking skills, rather than how to re-learn course content. Marlene shows you how to effectively work with the “think-on-your-feet” philosophy of the NCLEX-RN, not against it.


  • A complete NCLEX-RN toolkit–from the world’s most sought-after speaker on passing the NCLEX
  • Over 1,000 skill-building NCLEX-style questions, complete with answers and rationales
  • Full of concise, easy-to-remember strategies that cut study time in half!
  • An eye-catching four-color format
  • “Marlene Moments”–Marlene’s humorous anecdotes of common student mistakes that offer a light-hearted look at how new nurses learn to succeed
  • “What the NCLEX Lady Thinks”–valuable tips that reveal the rationale behind certain types of NCLEX questions and how to adjust your strategy accordingly
  • Chapter-ending NCLEX practice questions that solidify important information and show you how it will be tested on the NCLEX examination
  • Downloadable material includes 300 additional NCLEX-style questions, plus downloadable MP3 audio tips from Marlene Hurst’s award-winning NCLEX reviews


Case Files: Gross Anatomy, 2nd Edition 2nd Edition


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Real life clinical cases for the basic sciences and USMLE Step 1

“This handy little text has everything you need to review gross anatomy…[It’s] perfect for first-years just starting anatomy, second-years preparing for the boards, and third- and fourth-years going over their anatomy for their surgery rotations.”–Kathleen M. Donahue, third year medical student, Midwestern University/Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine

“Learning on a cadaver helps you understand anatomy in 3-D; Case Files: Anatomy will help you understand that anatomy and how you’ll use it in real clinical practice.”–Brad Miller, Class of 2006, Weill Medical College of Cornell University

You need exposure to clinical cases in order to pass course exams and ace the USMLE Step 1–and this book provides exactly that. It presents 53 real-life clinical cases that illustrate essential concepts in gross anatomy. Each case includes an easy-to-understand discussion correlated to key basic science concepts, definitions of key terms, anatomy pearls, and USMLE-style review questions. With this interactive system you’ll learn instead of memorize.


  • 53 clinical cases, each with USMLE-style questions
  • Clinical pearls highlight key concepts
  • Primer on how to approach clinical problems and think like a doctor
  • Proven learning system improves your shelf exam scores


Medical Physiology: The Big Picture (LANGE The Big Picture) 1st Edition


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Get the BIG PICTURE of Medical Physiology — and focus on what you really need to know to ace the course and board exams!

4-Star Doody’s Review!
“This excellent, no-frills approach to physiology concepts is designed to help medical students and other health professions students review the basic concepts associated with physiology for the medical profession. The information is concise, accurate and timely.”

If you don’t have unlimited study time Medical Physiology: The Big Picture is exactly what you need! With an emphasis on what you “need to know” versus “what’s nice to know,” and enhanced with 450 full-color illustrations, it offers a focused, streamlined overview of medical physiology. You’ll find a succinct, user-friendly presentation designed to make even the most complex concepts understandable in a short amount of time.

With just the right balance of information to give you the edge at exam time, this unique combination text and atlas features:

  • A “Big Picture” perspective on precisely what you must know to ace your course work and board exams
  • Coverage of all the essential areas of Physiology, including General, Neurophysiology, Blood, Cardiovascular, Pulmonary, Renal and Acid Base, Gastrointestinal, and Reproductive
  • 450 labeled and explained full-color illustrations
  • 190 board exam-style questions and answers — including a complete practice test at the end of the book
  • Special icon highlights important clinical information


Hazzard’s Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, Sixth Edition (Principles of Geriatric Medicine & Gerontology) 6th Edition


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The most complete, authoritative guide available on the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the elderly — updated with a new global perspective

A Doody’s Core Title for 2015!

“In addition to serving as a timely, comprehensive, state-of-the-art textbook of geriatric medicine anchored in science, evidence-based medicine, and patient-centered practice, the book also is intended to meet the learning needs of fellows in geriatric medicine. The authors succeed in modeling a textbook of geriatric medicine on textbooks of internal medicine. 3 Stars.”–Doody’s Review Service

The undisputed leader on the subject of geriatrics, this comprehensive guide combines gerontology principles with clinical geriatrics offering unmatched coverage of this area of medicine.

Written by some of the world’s most respected geriatricians, Hazzard’s Principles of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology presents the most up-to-date, evidence-based medical information available — in a revamped 2-color design that makes finding the answers to your questions faster and easier than ever.


  • A greater emphasis on evidence-based medicine through the expanded use of Clinical Practice Guidelines and references to systematic reviews and critically appraised topics
  • A new international advisory board of 12 global authorities and an increased number of international contributors for a greater global perspective
  • Important new chapters on the cultural aspects of geriatrics, emergency geriatrics, hospital geriatrics, international geriatric care, and rural geriatric care
  • Information integrated with additional online resources
  • Tables, drawings, and clinical algorithms made even more effective by a new two-color design
  • 300 illustrations (including 64 in a full-color insert)


Plastic Surgery: Clinical Problem Solving 1st Edition


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Learn how to manage commonly encountered problems in plastic and reconstructive surgery with this unique case-based approach

“The editors have produced a powerful source of knowledge that is easy to use and quite satisfying. Their book ushers readers through 52 plastic surgery cases and details the logical manner in which to objectively evaluate, ponder, and solve problems that each presents….The recognized experts who contribute to this book have translated complex subjects into an erudite syllabus that can be read and understood by a multitude of readers in plastic surgery, including students, residents, and recently trained and veteran plastic surgeons….Reading this book is an enjoyable experience. How much better can learning be than to have fun, test one’s clinical acumen, and take away a fund of knowledge? 3 Stars.”–Doody’s Review Service

Covering head, neck, trunk, extremities, and cosmetic concerns, this sourcebook uses numerous visual clinical scenarios to illustrate essential plastic and reconstructive surgical principles. Each chapter is organized by a well-illustrated case, followed by algorithms that take you through effective management strategies and clinically relevant information. The result is an ideal resource for oral board preparation and a valuable primer for students, residents, and attending physicians from diverse specialties.


  • The first resource of its kind, based on visual clinical scenarios designed to sharpen clinical-decision making
  • Each case includes an algorithm to guide management strategies
  • An extensive, high-yield collection of information and insights for each case
  • Practical pearls from leading authorities close each case and provide concept-clarifying take-away points
  • Full-color clinical photos add emphasis to must-know points throughout each case
  • Suggested references provide further information on each subject


LANGE Instant Access Acid-Base, Fluids, and Electrolytes 1st Edition


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Essential Evidence-Based Data for Common Clinical Encounters

“This is very useful for providers who desire a fast review of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders without asking for in-depth information. Background information about pathophysiology and references are not included, but are not needed. This makes the book unique and quite different from other available resources on the topic. 3 Stars.”–Doody’s Review Service

Make sense of acid-base and electrolytes with this compact, on-the-go guide–filled with clinical facts, figures, and data.

In this ultra-convenient resource, the authors have distilled down the most relevant insights from their acclaimed text Nephrology in 30 Days, giving you a complete, yet concise overview of acid-based and electrolytes–supported by evidence-based findings.

You’ll find at-a-glance tables and a bulleted format that puts key diagnostic and clinical information right at your fingertips. This one-stop guide gets you up to speed on the major issues in acid-base and electrolyte disturbances, from metabolic acidosis to serum calcium disorders. It’s the perfect clinical companion to more in-depth acid-base texts–one that goes beyond educational principles to focus on the real world of clinical medicine and patient management.

  • The perfect portable brain for the wards
  • Vital facts and figures everyone forgets to remember
  • Presented in easy-access tables

Case Files: Biochemistry, 2nd Edition 2nd Edition


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Fifty clinical cases help you excel in biochemistry courses and the USMLE Step 1

Case Files: Biochemistry: Second Edition presents 50 clinical cases with open-ended questions which weave basic science concepts into the clinical scenario. Each case includes an extended discussion (including definitions and a pathophysiology discussion), key points, and 3-5 USMLE-style comprehension questions. The authors are experienced teachers from the University of Texas-Houston Medical School in Houston, Texas.


Pediatric Practice Infectious Diseases 1st Edition


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The most practice-oriented guide to diagnosing and managing infectious diseases in children

“…will serve as a valuable resource for medical students, residents, pediatricians, family physicians, emergency department physicians, pediatric nurses, and pediatric infectious disease specialists….I will put it in my library where I practice and will use it especially when I am looking for an algorithm for diagnosis or treatment or seeking photographs or illustrations of a specific disease. I will use other sections for teaching hospital residents about specific infections. It is reasonably priced and covers a large amount of clinical care applicable to adults and children.”–JAMA

Part of the Pediatric Practice series, Pediatric Practice: Infectious Diseases is filled with practical, clinically relevant guidance for successful infectious disease management. The care of the patient forms the core of this indispensable resource, which also provides perspectives on epidemiology, pathophysiology, and diagnosis that every pediatrician, infectious disease specialist, and pediatric nurse needs to know.

The book’s high-yield coverage includes detailed, yet precise overviews of specific infections and their etiology, along with proven diagnostic and management strategies that you can incorporate into your practice right away.


  • Tips that tell you what you must know–and what you must do–at every stage of care
  • Diagnostic and treatment algorithms
  • Signs/Symptoms and Differential Diagnosis boxes
  • “When to Refer” boxes, which examine all the relevant clinical considerations
  • Diagnostic Tests–with a realistic emphasis on the rights tests to order
  • Medical Treatment coverage that includes drugs, dosages, and administration in an easy-to-read tabular format
  • Convenient icons and a templated chapter design
  • Numerous clinical color photos and didactic diagrams

download this book free here

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