Case Files Orthopaedic Surgery (LANGE Case Files) 1st Edition

Case Files Orthopaedic Surgery (LANGE Case Files) 1st Edition


Experience with clinical cases is key to excelling in your rotations and post-graduate training. Case Files: Orthopaedic Surgery gives you 45 true-to-life cases that illustrate concepts critical to managing commonmusculoskeletal injuries and conditions. Each case includes a concise and accurate patient presentation, key exam findings, and clear radiologic images where applicable. Additionally, cases include in-depth discussions of the injury or condition represented, replete with evidence-based practice recommendations, basic procedural tips and techniques, and discussion ofpotential complications, pitfalls, and ultimate patient outcomes. Review questions and clinical pearls reinforce learning.

  • Learn from 45 high-yield cases, each with review questions
  • Master key concepts with clinical pearls
  • Polish your approach to clinical problems and think like a surgeon
  • Perfect for students, orthopaedic interns, and residents who encounter orthopaedic conditions in daily practice


Biomedical Implants 1st Edition

Biomedical Implants 1st Edition

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the development of implants, from the selection of materials to the outcome of the process. It covers various steps, including biocompatible material, synthesis, and characterization, compatibility and limitations of materials, specific implants, and finite element analysis of medical implants. It also presents a comparison between predictions and experimental results by studying real-world problems and addresses the issue of sustainability in implant manufacturing, process modeling, and optimization in additive manufacturing supported by case studies.


  • Covers the development of implants from the selection of material to the suitable process of manufacturing technologies
  • Includes biocompatible material, synthesis, characterization, compatibility, and limitations of materials
  • Reviews biofabrication in terms of artificial organs and soft tissues
  • Discusses implant manufacturing, including additive and micro-manufacturing and failure analysis through case studies
  • Addresses the issue of sustainability in implant manufacturing

This book is intended for researchers and graduate students specializing in mechanical, biomedical, healthcare engineering, biomaterials, and additive manufacturing.


Examination Review for Ultrasound: SPI: Sonographic Principles & Instrumentation 2nd Edition

Examination Review for Ultrasound: SPI: Sonographic Principles & Instrumentation 2nd Edition

This updated 2nd Edition of Examination Review for Ultrasound: Sonographic Principles & Instrumentation helps students prepare for—and excel on— the Sonography Principles and Instrumentation (SPI) certification examination offered by the ARDMS. Taking a concise, narrative approach, this proven resource aligns with the SPI revised content outline and format. An online exam simulator with registry-style questions makes it easy to create mock exams that allow unlimited practice.

  • eBook AVAILABLE. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more.
  • NEW! MORE EXTENSIVE REVIEW: 50 review questions in each chapter, and 120 registry exam review questions at the back of the book—help students identify strengths and overcome weaknesses so they are fully prepared on exam day.
  • NEW! FULL ALIGNMENT WITH THE SPI REVISED CONTENT OUTLINE: To achieve alignment, many topics have been added or enhanced, including patient care, bioeffects, Doppler artifacts, cardiac strain and strain rate, elastography, and ergonomics.
  • NEW! Prep for semi-interactive console questionS: 20 new questions with photos prepare students for the semi-interactive console questions that are often a stumbling block on the ARDMS SPI exam.
  • FREE ONLINE EXAM SIMULATOR: Sophisticated mock exam simulator customizable to the SPI certification exam familiarizes students with registry testing format and style.
  • ENHANCED HIGH-QUALITY IMAGES: More than 230 sonographic images and diagrams—many new to this edition—increase student understanding of anatomy and the physiologic principles crucial to good sonographic practice.
  • COMPREHENSIVE: A 120-question registry review exam at the end of the book allows students to gauge their understanding of key topics.


Handbook of Hematologic Malignancies 2nd Edition

Handbook of Hematologic Malignancies 2nd Edition

This revised and updated second edition of Handbook of Hematologic Malignancies continues to be an essential and “go-to” resource for the busy hematologist, hematologic oncologist, hematopathologist, oncology advanced practice provider, oncology nurse, and trainee. Concisely organized, each chapter provides the most current, need-to-know points of diagnosis, prognosis, therapeutic management, and clinical trial opportunities for each hematological malignancy. Chapters are complete with richly illustrated figures to highlight the hematopathologic characteristics of diseases in addition to helpful tables on differential diagnosis, prognostic scoring systems, molecular profiles, and therapeutic options. A new case-based chapter concludes the handbook with clinical cases designed to test a clinician’s knowledge of pathologic diagnosis and clinical presentation of diseases covered in the book. With over twenty new FDA-approved indications since publication of the first edition, including breakthroughs with CAR-T therapy, and other evidence-based treatment options for patients with hematologic disease, this book serves as quick reference to practice changing information on challenging diagnostic dilemmas, frontline and refractory treatment scenarios, and more.

The subspecialty field of hematologic oncology is ever-changing and expanding with available treatment options and this second edition keeps the busy clinician abreast of recent findings and their impact on evidence-based treatment and management. Written by experienced clinicians at the world-renowned Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida, as well as contributions from leading academicians, hematologists, and oncologists throughout the country, this unique handbook is packed with authoritative knowledge and clinical insight into all known hematologic cancers.

Key Features:

  • Includes seven new chapters covering CAR-T and novel therapeutic options including CD19 CAR-T therapy, novel cellular therapies, cytokine release syndrome, cancer associated thrombosis, and more
  • Comprises compact and updated disease-site chapters describing new standards of care and management considerations in bullet point format with key references
  • Highlights important diagnostic tools that assist with conducting key differential diagnoses and unveiling answers to diagnostic dilemmas
  • Provides updates of potential practice-changing clinical trials and paradigm shifting treatment considerations in each disease-based chapter
  • Purchase includes digital access for use on most mobile devices or computers


AACN Essentials of Progressive Care Nursing, Fourth Edition 4th Edition

AACN Essentials of Progressive Care Nursing, Fourth Edition 4th Edition

Succinct, complete guidance on how to safely and competently care for adult progressive care patients and their families – written by top clinical experts

Endorsed by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), this acclaimed textbook sets the standard for progressive care nursing education. Recognizing the learner’s need to assimilate foundational knowledge before attempting to master more complex progressive care nursing concepts, the book features a practical building-block organization that starts with the basics and logically moves on to advanced topics.

Bolstered by helpful tables and Essential Content cases, 
AACN Essentials of Progressive Care Nursing, Fourth Edition is an essential tool for clinicians at the point of care, and those preparing for PCCN® certification in progressive care nursing.

AACN Essentials of Progressive Care Nursing is divided into four sections:

The Essentials presents essential information that clinicians must understand to provide safe, competent nursing care to progressive care patients, regardless of their underlying medical diagnoses.
Pathologic Conditions covers pathologic conditions and management strategies commonly encountered among adult, progressive care patients.
Advanced Concepts in Caring for the Progressive Care Patient presents advanced progressive care concepts or pathologic conditions that are less common or require more specialized management.
Key Reference Information features normal laboratory and diagnostic values; pharmacology tables; and summary tables of cardiac rhythms, ECG characteristics, and treatment guides.

Learning aids include Knowledge Competencies to gauge progress, Principles of Management to summarize key concepts, and “Essential Content” case studies with questions and answers to further reinforce the learners’ knowledge.


Atlas of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2nd Edition

Atlas of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2nd Edition


This textbook marks the second edition of the highly successful Atlas of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The first edition quicky became a staple with surgeons on rounds, in training programs and in preparation for board examinations. This atlas is comprised of concise text and detailed vignettes focusing on surgical indications, contraindications, pertinent anatomy, virtual surgical planning, operative techniques, postoperative management, complications and key points with over 2,000 high-quality images.

The Atlas of Operative Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery serves as an innovative, multidisciplinary, surgical atlas covering core aspects of oral and maxillofacial surgery, head and neck reconstructive surgery, and facial cosmetic surgery. Chapters are written by experts in their fields and are designed to provide high-yield information utilizing a case report format.

New to this second edition:

  • Contemporary coverage of dental implants, including digital implant planning, grafting techniques, implant supported restorations of the edentulous arch, immediate implant placement and provisionalization.
  • Management of facial infections including odontogenic head and neck infections, osteomyelitis and medication related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ).
  • Recent advances in facial trauma surgery, orthognathic surgery and facial reconstructive surgery utilizing virtual surgical planning, custom plate fabrication and the latest surgical techniques with case reports.
  • Expansion of the orthognathic and craniofacial section to include new case reports and chapters on orthognathic surgery in cleft patients, cranial vault surgery and the evaluation and planning of concomitant TMJ and orthognathic surgeries.
  • Advances in the field of facial cosmetic surgery including cryolipolysis, fat transfer, soft tissue fillers and the latest technique updates.
  • Elaboration of the facial ablative and reconstructive surgery sections to include virtual surgical planning, custom plate fabrication, osteotomy cuts guides and the latest hard and soft tissue harvest techniques.




Mosby’s 2024 Nursing Drug Reference 37th Edition

Mosby’s 2024 Nursing Drug Reference 37th Edition

**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 with “Essential Purchase” designation in Pharmacology**

Choose the drug handbook trusted by nurses for over 35 years!
 Mosby’s 2024 Nursing Drug Reference makes it easy to find the most vital information on the drugs you administer most frequently. More than 5,000 drugs are profiled ― including more than 25 new entries for drugs recently approved by the FDA. And no other drug guide places a higher emphasis on patient safety, with Black Box Warnings for dangerous adverse reactions, High Alerts for drugs with the greatest risk, and a focus on both common and life-threatening side effects. From nursing pharmacology expert Linda Skidmore-Roth, this perennial bestseller proves there is a difference in drug guides.

  • More than 5,000 generic and trade-name drugs are profiled, covering almost every drug you will administer in practice or in clinicals.
  • Alphabetical organization by generic name provides quick and easy access to specific drugs, with both trade and generic names listed in the index.
  • Bolded coverage of IV drug administration highlights dosage and IV administration instructions, including safety considerations and Y-site, syringe, and additive compatibilities.
  • Nursing Process steps are used as the framework for organizing all nursing care information.
  • Complete pharmacokinetic information is summarized in a table and includes the mechanism and absorption of the drug as well as its action, duration, and excretion.
  • Side effects information is organizedby body system and identified as common or life threatening, showing signs to watch for during assessments.
  • High Alert headers highlight drugs that pose the greatest risk if administered improperly.
  • Black Box Warnings provide alerts to FDA warnings of dangerous or life-threatening drug reactions.
  • Overview of drug categories explains the safe administration of common classes of drugs, as well as their common side effects and interactions.
  • Flexible, water-resistant cover provides durability in the clinical setting.
  • NEW! Drug monographs for more than 25 newly released, FDA-approved medications equip you with the latest drug information including generic names, trade names, pronunciations, do-not-confuse drugs, action, uses, contraindications, precautions, dosages and routes, side effects, pharmacokinetics, interactions (including drug/herb, drug/food and drug/lab test), nursing considerations, treatment of overdose, patient/family teaching, and more.
  • NEW! Several online-only drug monographs are added to the Evolve website, creating an overall total of more than 100 Evolve-only drug monographs for lesser-used medications.


Principles Of Physical Biochemistry 2nd Edition

Principles Of Physical Biochemistry 2nd Edition

The Second Edition of Principles of Physical Biochemistry provides the most current look at the theory and techniques used in the study of the physical chemistry of biological and biochemical molecules—including discussion of mass spectrometry and single-molecule methods. As leading experts in biophysical chemistry, these well-known authors offer unique insights and coverage not available elsewhere. Physical techniques currently used by practicing biochemists, including new chapters dedicated to extended material on mass spectrometry and single-molecule methods are included. The book’s streamlined organization groups all hydrodynamic methods in Chapter 5 and combines Raman spectroscopy with the spectroscopy section. Relevant problems and applications help readers develop critical-thinking skills that they can apply to real biochemical and biological situations facing professionals in the industry.

Biological Macromolecules; Thermodynamics and Biochemistry; Molecular Thermodynamics; Statistical Thermodynamics; Methods for the Separation and Characterization of Macromolecules; X-Ray Diffraction; Scattering From Solutions of Macromolecules; Quantum Mechanics and Spectroscopy; Absorption Spectroscopy; Linear and Circular Dichroism; Emission Spectroscopy; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy; Macromolecules in Solution: Thermodynamics and Equilibria; Chemical Equilibria Involving Macromolecules; Mass Spectrometry of Macromolecules; Single-Molecule Methods.

A useful reference for biochemistry professionals or for anyone interested in learning more about biochemistry.


Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 4th Edition

Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 4th Edition

This fourth edition of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery keeps readers up-to-date on recent developments in the field, including microvascular techniques, minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, and unique applied technologies. Along with comprehensive surgical chapters, the text addresses practical issues driving changes in facial plastic surgery practice: ethnic variations, anti-aging strategies, ambulatory surgical concerns, and evidence-based decision making.

Key Features:

  • Online access to more than 30 videos demonstrating the latest procedures and techniques
  • New chapters on African rhinoplasty, facial paralysis treatment, evidence-based facial plastic surgery, tissue engineering, costal rib utilization techniques, and face transplants
  • Clinical insights from luminaries in the field of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery
  • More than 2,000 full-color images and illustrations demonstrate main concepts

For over two decades experienced surgeons, fellows, and residents have successfully relied on Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery to prepare for surgery and clinical rotations, as well as their in-service and board exams. Today’s facial plastic surgeons know this new edition offers them the latest, most comprehensive coverage of facial plastic surgery. Practicing facial plastic surgeons, plastic surgeons, and otolaryngologists will use this book to stay up-to-date on developments in the field and to brush up on less familiar procedures.


Atlas of Regional Anesthesia: Expert Consult – Online and Print 4th Edition

Atlas of Regional Anesthesia: Expert Consult – Online and Print 4th Edition

Atlas of Regional Anesthesia, by Dr. David L. Brown, has been the go-to reference for many years, helping clinicians master a myriad of nerve block techniques in all areas of the body. This meticulously updated new edition brings you state-of-the-art coverage and streaming online videos of ultrasound-guided techniques, as well as new coverage of the latest procedures. Hundreds of high-quality full-color illustrations of anatomy and conventional and ultrasound-guided techniques provide superb visual guidance. You’ll also have easy access to the complete contents online, fully searchable, at

Obtain superior visual guidance thanks to hundreds of high-quality illustrations of cross-sectional, gross, and surface anatomy paired with outstanding illustrations of conventional and ultrasound-guided techniques.
Master the ultrasound-guided approach through 12 online videos demonstrating correct anatomic needle placement.
Access the complete contents online and download all of the illustrations at
Learn the latest techniques with a new chapter on transversus abdominis block and updated coverage of nerve stimulation techniques, implantable drug delivery systems, spinal cord stimulation, and more.


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