Medical Toxicology (What Do I Do Now Emergency Medicine)

Medical Toxicology (What Do I Do Now Emergency Medicine)

Part of the “What Do I Do Now: Emergency Medicine” series, Medical Toxicology is an interactive, case-based book that covers content not found in most general specialty textbooks, and gives readers the opportunity to prepare for board certification and recertification, and to gain medical toxicology expertise without the need to perform a deep dive into the literature. The 34 chapters go beyond the basics of common and dangerous toxicities and provide the next step of care for complicated cases, as well as backgrounds to the pathophysiology of severe overdoses. It also addresses multiple overdoses, poisonings, and envenomations and supplements the information and recommendations of a poison center or toxicologist by providing background reasoning when a deep dive into a particular topic is not possible. Readers who are medical students, residents, advanced practice providers, staff physicians in emergency departments, hospitalists, and critical care providers will all find the content in this book stimulating, interactive, and a reliable resource that replicates a curbside consult with an expert.


American Academy of Pediatrics Textbook of Pediatric Care Second Edition

American Academy of Pediatrics Textbook of Pediatric Care Second Edition

The landmark guide to pediatric medicine – updated and streamlined for today’s clinicians and students

For more than 80 years, the American Academy of Pediatrics has been the nation’s leading and most trusted child health authority. The new second edition of 
AAP Textbook of Pediatric Care continues the tradition by providing a wealth of expert guidance spanning every aspect of current clinical practice.

When you purchase the AAP Textbook of Pediatric Care, 2nd Edition print copy, you also receive FREE eBook access!

  • Gain a better understanding of the relationship between mental and physiologic health and between early childhood adversity and long-term health outcomes.
  • Deliver the best pediatric health care with step-by-step recommendations on what to do, when and how to do it, when to admit, and when to refer.
  • Effectively integrate mental health care into routine primary pediatric care: mental health screening, surveillance, promotion, symptoms, and conditions are now fully integrated through the text.
  • Expertly apply the latest approaches and techniques with 75 new chapters, including Planned Coordinated Care to Support the Medical Home; Pediatric History: Assessing the Social Environment; Promoting the Health of Young Children; Applying Behavior Change Science; Conducting the Health Supervision Visit; Psychosocial Therapies; Transitions to Adulthood; Children in Poverty; Maternal Depression; Disruptive Behavior and Aggression; and more.
  • Diagnose, treat, and manage 85 of the most common physiologic and behavioral signs and symptoms more effectively.
  • Includes more than 600 full-color photos and illustrations.


Dosimetry in Brachytherapy – An International Code of Practice for Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratories and Hospitals

Dosimetry in Brachytherapy – An International Code of Practice for Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratories and Hospitals

The brachytherapy process requires consistent reference dosimetry that is traceable to metrological primary standards and common procedures to be followed for reference dosimetry globally. The Code of Practice is addressed to both Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratories and hospitals. It fulfils the need for a systematic and internationally unified approach to the calibration and use of vented well-type re-entrant ionisation chambers in determining the strength of brachytherapy sources with intensities measurable by such detectors. The dosimetry formalism as well as common procedures for calibration, reference dosimetry, reference-class instrument assessment and commissioning of the well-type ionisation chamber system are provided.



Physical Aspects of the Human Body (De Gruyter STEM)

Physical Aspects of the Human Body (De Gruyter STEM)

The updated edition of the first of three volumes on Medical Physics focuses even more on body systems related to physical principles such as body mechanics, energy balance, and action potentials. Thanks to numerous newly incorporated didactic features, the introductory text into the broad fi eld of medical physics is easy to understand and supports self-study. New: highlighted boxes emphasize special topics; math boxes explain more advanced mathematical issues; each chapter concludes with a summary of the key concepts, questions, a self-assessment of the acquired competence, and exercises. The appendix contains answers to questions and solutions to exercises.


Physical Aspects of Therapeutics (De Gruyter STEM)

Physical Aspects of Therapeutics (De Gruyter STEM) 

The updated edition of the third of three vollumes on Medical Physics presents modern physical methods for medical therapy with a focus on tumor treatment. It provides background information on radiation biology, radiation response of tissues, and linear energy transfer through radiation. Therapies with external radiation sources (x-rays, protons, neutrons) as well as internal radiation sources (brachytherapy) are discussed in detail. Other chapters deal with the use of lasers and nanoparticles in modern medicine. This volume closes with a short chapter on medical statistics. NEW: highlighted boxes emphasize specifi c topics; math boxes explain more advanced mathematical issues; each chapter concludes with a summary of the key concepts, questions, exercises, and a self-assessment of the acquired competence. The appendix provides answers to questions and solutions to exercises.


Color Atlas of Pharmacology 5th Edition

Color Atlas of Pharmacology 5th Edition

The Fifth Edition of Luellmann’s Color Atlas of Pharmacology has been extensively revised to include all recent advances and new drugs, and the illustrations have been optimized and updated. Each two-page spread presents concise text on the left complemented by detailed full-color illustrations on the right to help users quickly digest important facts and concepts.

Color-coded sections provide readers with a helpful framework with which to approach the latest developments in pharmacology.

  • Part 1, General Pharmacology, explains basic aspects, such as drug absorption, distribution, and elimination, along with the molecular mechanisms of drug actions
  • Part 2, Systems Pharmacology, presents the different groups of drugs, emphasizing their functional and therapeutic aspects
  • Part 3, Therapy of Selected Diseases, provides all the relevant information regarding the pharmacological treatment of a large number of conditions

Key features:

  • User-friendly format ideal for study and review, self-assessment, and quick reference
  • Completely revised and updated, with 174 color plates
  • New glossary of important and interesting pharmacological terms
  • Updated detailed drug indexes containing current information on drugs listed by both generic and brand names

The Fifth Edition of Color Atlas of Pharmacology is an essential study guide and reference for every student, nurse, and practicing physician needing to keep up to date with recent advances in the field.



Principles of Medical Physiology, 2/E 2nd Edition

Principles of Medical Physiology, 2/E 2nd Edition

This book provides a concise, concept-rich, and well-illustrated text of medical physiology. Written primarily for undergraduate medical students, the lucidity of the text should also appeal to a large section of health professionals.

Key features of the book

  • The four cornerstones of this book are utility, lucidity, brevity, and contextual relevance.
  • The content of each chapter maps well onto a single easy-paced lecture.
  • The key words and phrases in the text are emphasized for quick revision.
  • The text is complemented by numerous simple diagrams that can be quickly comprehended.
  • The relevant fundamentals of physics and chemistry are recapitulated in the early chapters.
  • The complex anatomy of the brain is elucidated through three-dimensional schematic diagrams.
  • Revision questions listed at the end of each chapter relate mostly to the how’s and why’s of physiological mechanisms.
  • Comic illustrations seek to lighten the mood as the reader reckons with the intricacies of the subject.


Snell’s Clinical Anatomy by Regions 10th Edition

Snell’s Clinical Anatomy by Regions 10th Edition

Praised for its clear and consistent organization, dynamic illustrations, and emphasis on clinical applications, Snell’s Clinical Anatomy by Regions pairs expert perspectives with a user-friendly approach to deliver a proven learning and teaching resource on the practical application of anatomy.

Ideal for medical, dental, allied health, and nursing programs, this trusted text guides students through the fundamentals of human anatomy, explaining the how and why behind each structure and offering readers the hands-on guidance they need to make sound clinical choices.

This edition has been completely reorganized to help students confidently navigate body regions from surface to deep structures, integrating basic anatomy, clinical information, surface and radiographic anatomy, as well as embryology. Colorful new illustrations and concise chapter summaries further reinforce understanding of key concepts and equip students for clinical success.

  • New organization guides students logically through body systems for greater understanding.
  • Updated content throughout the text reflects the most current approaches and relevant terminology in basic clinical anatomy, radiographic anatomy, and surface anatomy.
  • Enhanced illustrations clarify complex systems in vibrant detail.
  • New Key Concepts bulleted summaries reinforce important chapter content at a glance.
  • Chapter-opening cases and Clinical Notes highlight the clinical significance of anatomical information.
  • Embryology Notes simplify developmental anatomy concepts.
  • Chapter Outlines and Learning Objectives focus students on the most clinically relevant concepts and structures.
  • eBook available for purchase. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and more


Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 2nd Edition

Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 2nd Edition

the Second Edition here have been significant changes in pediatric Chapter 56 by Maya Eibschitz-Tsimhoni, MD, is a T ophthalmology and strabismus since the first wonderful contribution to the literature, as it reviews edition. Great effort has gone into incorporat­ 235 important ocular disorders that have systemic ing recent advances into this second edition. Each manifestations, and it includes a detailed glossary of chapter in the book has been revised, and over half of terms. them have been completely rewritten. In addition to As with the first edition, our goal is to present a updating and revising the entire book, we have added comprehensive textbook of pediatric ophthalmology three new chapters: Chapter 7 on electrophysiology and strabismus written in a clear, reader-friendly style. and the eye, Chapter 1 7 on strabismus surgery, and Our hope is that the readerwill find the second edi­ Chapter 56 on congenital syndromes with ocular man­ tion of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus to ifestations. Chapter 17 is the definitive work on pedi­ be scientifically informative, clinically useful, and en­ atric ocular electrophysiology, bar none, and was fin­ joyable to read. ished just weeks before the untimely death of its author, Dr. Tony Kriss (see tribute in Chapter 17).


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