Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Rheumatology, Third Edition (LANGE CURRENT Series) 3rd Edition


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The most up-to-date and readily accessible rheumatology resource available

A Doody’s Core title for 2015!

The third edition of this trusted quick-reference guide has everything you need to keep pace with this fast-moving field―presented in the acclaimed CURRENT format. A practical reference for primary care providers, the book simplifies the treatment of difficult-to-manage rheumatologic diseases and disorders, such as arthritis, lupus, and sarcoidosis.


  • NEW full-color photographs
  • NEW chapters on clinical genetics, drug-induced syndromes, and metabolic myopathies
  • Straightforward, expert coverage of the entire range of rheumatology disorders
  • Full explanations of common and major disorders in clinical immunology
  • Concise chapters geared to the needs of trainees and clinicians
  • First section that addresses common but difficult-to-diagnose rheumatologic complaints―and delivers key “approach to the patient” strategies

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