Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drugs (Koda Kimble and Youngs Applied Therapeutics) Twelfth, North American Edition

Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drugs (Koda Kimble and Youngs Applied Therapeutics) Twelfth, North American Edition

Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2023!

50th Anniversary Edition of the groundbreaking case-based pharmacotherapy text, now a convenient two-volume set.
Celebrating 50 years of excellence, 
Applied Therapeutics, 12th Edition, features contributions from more than 200 experienced clinicians. This acclaimed case-based approach promotes mastery and application of the fundamentals of drug therapeutics, guiding users from General Principles to specific disease coverage with accompanying problem-solving techniques that help users devise effective evidence-based drug treatment plans.
Now in full color, the 12th Edition has been thoroughly updated throughout to reflect the ever-changing spectrum of drug knowledge and therapeutic approaches. New chapters ensure contemporary relevance and up-to-date IPE case studies train users to think like clinicians and confidently prepare for practice.

  • NEW! Chapters on Developmental Disorders (including Autism) and Prostate Cancer empower students with expert insight on these increasingly critical areas of therapy.
  • NEW! Full-color design keeps students engaged and clarifies complex content.
  • UPDATED! More than 800 case studies challenge students to integrate and apply therapeutic principles in the context of specific clinical situations, cultivating the critical thinking skills essential to optimal patient outcomes.
  • Core Principles listed at the beginning of each chapter encourage students to explore critical concepts and enrich their understanding and evidence-based decision-making capabilities. 


Color Atlas of Pharmacology 5th Edition

Color Atlas of Pharmacology 5th Edition

The Fifth Edition of Luellmann’s Color Atlas of Pharmacology has been extensively revised to include all recent advances and new drugs, and the illustrations have been optimized and updated. Each two-page spread presents concise text on the left complemented by detailed full-color illustrations on the right to help users quickly digest important facts and concepts.

Color-coded sections provide readers with a helpful framework with which to approach the latest developments in pharmacology.

  • Part 1, General Pharmacology, explains basic aspects, such as drug absorption, distribution, and elimination, along with the molecular mechanisms of drug actions
  • Part 2, Systems Pharmacology, presents the different groups of drugs, emphasizing their functional and therapeutic aspects
  • Part 3, Therapy of Selected Diseases, provides all the relevant information regarding the pharmacological treatment of a large number of conditions

Key features:

  • User-friendly format ideal for study and review, self-assessment, and quick reference
  • Completely revised and updated, with 174 color plates
  • New glossary of important and interesting pharmacological terms
  • Updated detailed drug indexes containing current information on drugs listed by both generic and brand names

The Fifth Edition of Color Atlas of Pharmacology is an essential study guide and reference for every student, nurse, and practicing physician needing to keep up to date with recent advances in the field.



Rau’s Respiratory Care Pharmacology (Evolve) 11th Edition

Rau’s Respiratory Care Pharmacology (Evolve) 11th Edition

You can breathe a little easier knowing there’s a proven way to master respiratory pharmacology! For more than 30 years, Rau’s Respiratory Care Pharmacology has been the preeminent text on the subject. With easy-to-grasp terminology, relatable explanations, and reader-friendly writing, it simplifies the process of learning pharmacology material like never before. Rau’s is organized into three logical sections, covering the basics of respiratory care, frequently used drugs, and critical care medications. New to the 11th edition are recently approved FDA drugs, information on drug approvals, COVID-19 coverage, and new and updated Clinical Connection boxes that focus on important clinical questions, assisting you in connecting the information in the text to the clinical setting and addressing how Respiratory Therapists can help educate patients.

  • Clinical scenarios with follow-up SOAP assessment help you assess your comprehension of the material.
  • Self-assessment questions offer you thought-provoking opportunities to test your comprehension of key concepts.
  • Learning objectives parallel the levels tested by the NBRC® exams to help you identify important information that goes beyond memorization and recall.
  • Key terms with definitions provide easy access to the pharmacologic vocabulary you should embrace.
  • Key points boxes in each chapter highlight important concepts in the lesson.
  • Glossary of all key terms in the text aids you in understanding the terminology associated with respiratory care pharmacology.
  • Appendices on common Units and Systems of Measurement and Acceptable Mixtures provide references to need-to-know information such as abbreviations, conversion charts for temperatures, liquid metric and solids, and a simple drug compatibility chart for drug mixtures.
  • Alphabetical drug index provides a direct index to look up information based on drug name.
  • NEW and UPDATED! Clinical Connection boxes assist you in connecting information in the text to the clinical setting, including providing patients a better understanding of their clinical conditions as related to their drug treatments.
  • UPDATED! Chapter 1 reflects changes to drug approval.
  • UPDATED! Chapter 3 reflects changes in aerosol medication devices and addresses aerosol-generating device issues and COVID-19.
  • UPDATED! The latest FDA-approved medications are referencedin all chapters.
  • UPDATED! Current asthma (GINA) and COPD (GOLD) guidelines include COVID-19 treatment protocols.
  • Enhanced readability helps you more easily understand difficult material.


Lehne’s Pharmacology for Nursing Care 10th Edition

Lehne’s Pharmacology for Nursing Care 10th Edition

With a clear explanation of drug prototypes and how they work, Lehne’s Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 10th Edition gives you the background you need to understand drugs currently on the market, and those not yet released. This perennial favorite of students and teachers simplifies complex concepts while distinguishing need-to-know content from the material that’s merely nice to know. The 10th edition includes updated drug content to reflect the very latest FDA approvals, withdrawals, and therapeutic uses, as well as corresponding updated nursing content. It also includes an updated prototype drugs section, summarizing their major uses, and an updated table detailing care throughout the lifespan of the patient. Additionally, each chapter ends with a nursing implications summary to help you fully understand the material and apply it to clinical nursing practice.

  • Prototype Drugs features serve as a quick-reference learning aid so you can apply your understanding to related drugs currently on the market as well as drugs that will be released in the future.
  • UNIQUE! Engaging writing style with clear explanations makes difficult pharmacology concepts easy to grasp and even enjoyable to learn.
  • Nursing implications of drug therapy are integrated throughout the text to reinforce the integral relationship between drug therapy and nursing care.
  • UPDATED Special Interest Topic boxes focus on currently trending issues in pharmacology, eliminating out-of-date content.
  • Large print highlights essential, need-to-know information, and small print indicates nice-to-know information.
  • QSEN focus includes Patient-Centered Care Across the Life Span featureshighlighting safe and appropriate patient care during different phases of life.
  • Safety Alert features emphasize the QSEN competency relating to patient safety.
  • Student-friendly features make learning easier with concise drug summary tables, chapter outlines, key points, and a visual guide to the prototype drugs in each class.
  • Concise drug summary tables present detailed information for individual drugs, including drug class, generic and trade names, dosages, routes, and indications.
  • Selected Canadian drug names are indicated with a maple-leaf icon throughout the text.
  • Separate Bioterrorism chapter discusses the clinical manifestations and treatment of biological weapon attacks.
  • NEW! Thoroughly updated drug content reflects the very latest FDA drug approvals, withdrawals, and therapeutic uses, as well as corresponding updated nursing content
  • NEW! Additional images included to accompany difficult concepts.
  • NEW! Inclusion of more student practice questions provide additional help for learning the material.


Deja Review: Pharmacology, Third Edition 3rd Edition

Deja Review: Pharmacology, Third Edition 3rd Edition

Studying for the USMLE® Step 1 can be a race against time. Zoom Review: Pharmacology helps you beat the clock—and score big. Designed for rapid review, this grade-boosting sourcebook distills your coursework into the need-to-know, high-yield concepts and topics that will give you the edge on exam day. 
Zoom Review: Pharmacology features an at-a-glance, two-column “flashcard” Q&A format, which reinforces familiar material, while accelerating your mastery of commonly tested topics. The Q&As help you efficiently absorb a large amount of pertinent information and streamlines your study time by focusing only on the correct answers. Ideal for last-minute cramming, this quick-reference also enables you to pinpoint your weaknesses and strengths so you can fine-tune your preparation—and tackle the most difficult exam questions with confidence.
Features: •Provides a flashcard experience with the convenience of a book•USMLE® -style vignettes deliver review material in a board-simulating clinical presentation •Active recall questions allow you to understand, not just memorize, the subject matter •Clinical correlations of basic science help you gear up for coursework and board exams•Compact and easy to carry for on-the-spot studying


Pharmacology: Principles and Applications 3rd Edition

Pharmacology: Principles and Applications 3rd Edition

Comprehensive yet easy to read, Pharmacology: Principles and Applications, 3rd Edition introduces you to basic pharmacology, showing how to apply principles to the kinds of clinical situations you will encounter on the job. You’ll learn how different drugs work in the body, how to calculate drug dosages, drug administration routes and procedures, the medications related to disorders in each body system, and much more. Written by expert authors Eugenia M. Fulcher, Robert M. Fulcher, and Cathy Dubeansky Soto, Pharmacology ensures that you master all of the pharmacology competencies required by CAAHEP and ABHES. In the book and on a companion Evolve website, a variety of exercises helps you strengthen your skills in math, dosage calculation, and critical thinking.

  • Practical coverage of basic pharmacology provides a thorough understanding of the medications most commonly used in ambulatory and inpatient settings.
  • A real-life Scenario starts each chapter with thought-provoking questions to consider as you progress through the material.
  • Procedures boxes provide step-by-step guidance for drug calculation and administration, accompanied by numerous illustrations and icons that identify OSHA-mandated protocols.
  • Common Signs & Symptoms of Diseases and Common Side Effects of Medications lists in each body system chapter help you distinguish between disease progression and medication reactions.
  • Body systems icons highlight the ways that specific drugs affect a particular body system.
  • Chapter objectives and key words at the beginning of each chapter help you focus your study efforts.
  • Check Your Understanding math review sections enable you to assess your knowledge of application and calculation concepts.
  • Critical Thinking exercises challenge you to apply what you’ve learned to a variety of realistic situations.
  • Important Facts and Clinical Tips boxes in each chapter highlight the key concepts for practice.
  • Patient Education for Compliance boxes help you communicate more effectively with patients about possible side effects or adverse reactions.
  • An expanded math section helps you sharpen your calculation skills with a wealth of practice problems.
  • Additional drug calculation coverage includes more dosage and calculation practice exercises
  • Expanded pediatric content offers a more thorough understanding of the special dosage and calculation considerations required for this special population.


Pharmacology: An Introduction 7th Edition

Pharmacology: An Introduction 7th Edition

Pharmacology, 7e by Hitner/Nagle is incredibly readable, with short chapters that link theory to practice; content that is focused on the need-to-know information to not overload the reader; excellent tables and features such as Patient Administration and Monitoring Boxes; and the most up-to-date drug information. This new edition features revised Learning Outcomes for each chapter, with a more streamlined chapter structure to reflect those updates. Chapter reviews have been revisited to more closely mirror typical exam formats, and a variety of additional exercises are available in Connect.


Community Pharmacy Practice Guidebook 1st Edition

Community Pharmacy Practice Guidebook 1st Edition

Get up to speed on everything there is to know about community pharmacy!

This unmatched resource provides the tools you need to operate, manage, and advance community pharmacy. The authors have gathered information from practicing community pharmacists to deliver the most salient information you need to know.

Community Pharmacy Practice Guidebook covers everything from operations and financial aspects to hiring/managing staff and important quality metrics within the community pharmacy practice setting. Delivering real-world content and practical applications for building the specific skills you need to succeed; it helps you create innovative solutions to optimize business and patient-related outcomes through clinical and value-added services specific to the community.


  • Practice questions at the beginning and end of each chapter to test your knowledge.
  • Each chapter includes practical application cases to build problem-solving skills related to community pharmacy.
  • Real-life anecdotes, not just fictional situations, that provide a clear picture of how community pharmacy actually works.
  • Coverage of community pharmacy models, legal considerations, pharmacy ownership and entrepreneurship, workflow optimization, human resources management, inventory, the role of technology, payment models and methods, clinical and value-added services, risk management, quality metrics, and more.


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