Alagappan’s Clinical Medicine for Dental Students 3rd Edition

Alagappan’s Clinical Medicine for Dental Students 3rd Edition

• As per DCI syllabus with a fresh presentation.
• Concise and comprehensive.
• Latest definitions and guidelines.
• Updated epidemiological data.
• Sample assessment charts.
• Abbreviations and Glossary.
• System-based assessment for developing clinical skills.
• Oral manifestations of medical conditions.
• Every section starts with a chapter on assessment for better understanding of medicine with in-depth practical knowledge.
• Enriched with numerous figures, tables and flowcharts for understanding of complex topics.
• Important questions are added at the end of chapters for exam preparation.
• Special boxes i.e. candle box and stethoscope box carrying clinically relevant information.


Clinical Guide to Oral Implantology: Step by Step Procedures 3rd Edition

Clinical Guide to Oral Implantology: Step by Step Procedures 3rd Edition

The book “Clinical Guide to Oral Implantology: Step by Step Procedures” demonstrates and explains the different stages and steps in oral rehabilitation with implants. It is ideal for those who want to get a sound introduction in this field as they will become confronted with all the varieties from simple cases to advanced and complicated ones. Lots of illustrations in excellent quality like in an atlas accompany the presented cases. Besides this, the book is backed up with the right dose of scientific information. Preoperative medical considerations are addressed as well as possible complications which may occur during or after implant therapy. It covers not only the standard surgical techniques, but also advances in guided bone regeneration using bone substitutes and membranes. Sinus floor elevation allows rehabilitation even where bone deficiencies exist and has helped numerous patients with the benefit of fixed teeth for function, esthetics and improved quality of life. This book comprises 16 well-written chapters. It is written for the practicing implant dentist as well as for the beginner who wishes to embark upon an implant practice.


Procedural Dentistry for Complete Dentures

Procedural Dentistry for Complete Dentures

• Helps revise the basics for practicing clinicians.
• Intends to tell the fundamentals for dental students.
• Creates awareness about newer materials.
• Aid to learn concepts to simplify the process of denture fabrication.
• Discusses the psychological impact and role of treatment modalities such as immediate dentures, reline, repair and copy dentures.


Endodontic Keys And Cases: A Clinical Guide To Modern Root Canal Therapy

Endodontic Keys And Cases: A Clinical Guide To Modern Root Canal Therapy

It has always been my passion to author a book with simplicity and understanding of endodontics. Endodontics is one of the most complex fields in dentistry. With over 25 years of knowledge and thousands of cases performed, I wanted to put together a simple guide to help navigate through various cases in the field of endodontic therapy. I hope you find this information insightful, thought provoking, and useful in your clinical practice.


Dental Secrets, 4e 4th Edition

Dental Secrets, 4e 4th Edition

Offering practical tips and expert answers to topics in dentistry and oral medicine, Dental Secrets, 4th Edition providesanideal preparation tool for exams, clinical rotations, and board certification. A concise, illustrated Q&A format covers key areas such as oral pathology and radiology, periodontology, endodontics, restorative dentistry, prosthodontics, orthodontics, infection control, and oral and maxillofacial surgery. Written by Stephen Sonis and a team of expert contributors, this mini-reference makes it easier to prepare for real-world clinical scenarios and review for the NBDE and other certification exams.

  • Over 2,000 questions include concise answers for core topics in dentistry and oral medicine, providing valuable pearls, tips, memory aids, and ‘secrets.’
  • Question-and-answer format makes thisthe perfect review tool for certification exams, a clinical refresher, or a quick reference guide.
  • Over 100 illustrations, tables, and bulleted lists highlight key information.
  • Expert contributors sharepractical tips, answers, and secrets on safe and effective dentistry practice.
  • UPDATED content includes the latest advances in the science and practice of dentistry, including CBCT, CAMBRA, new methods for diagnosing caries, mini dental implants, platform switching, early childhood caries (ECC), and more.
  • NEW illustrations provide high-quality dental images.
  • NEW two-color design highlights questions and other features such as tables, boxes, and bulleted lists, making it easier to find information.
  • Three NEW contributors ― Nathaniel Treister, Jennifer Frustino, and David Kim ― provide fresh insight in the chapters on treatment planning and oral diagnosis, periodontology, restorative dentistry, and prosthodontics.


Dental Management of Sleep Disorders 2nd Edition

Dental Management of Sleep Disorders 2nd Edition


A clinically focused, updated, and expanded edition of the leading resource on the dental management of sleep disorders

The newly revised Second Edition of Dental Management of Sleep Disorders delivers a focused and authoritative exploration of the dentist’s role in managing patients with sleep problems, especially sleep-related breathing disorders and bruxism.

Full discussions of the use of appliances, overviews of current treatment modalities, and investigations of the relationship between sleep disorders and dental and orofacial features accompany detailed chapters on oral appliance therapy, pharmacological, and behavioral management of symptoms. The book includes a variety of revealing case studies that examine the treatment of different sleep disorders, as well as:

  • Thorough introductions to the societal impact of sleep disorders and human sleep architecture and functional anatomy of the airway
  • Comprehensive explorations of the pathophysiology and classification of sleep disorders and sleep disorders in the pediatric population
  • Practical discussions of medical disorders related to obstructive sleep apnea and the dental and orofacial consequences of sleep-related breathing disorders
  • In-depth examinations of the role and interaction of the dentist with the sleep physician and sleep study center

Offering practical advice for diagnosis and treatment, Dental Management of Sleep Disorders, Second Edition is a valuable resource for dental practitioners as well as students.


clinical operative dentistry with illustrated colour atlas: dental restorative procedures: clinical conservative dentistry

clinical operative dentistry with illustrated colour atlas: dental restorative procedures: clinical conservative dentistry

This book is the ideal support at all freshly-graduated dentists. It aims to detail and justify the basic clinical procedures involved in conservative dentistry with the intention of reinforcing, understanding and improving clinical skills. It is also useful for clinicians wishing to update their treatment skills and broaden their understanding operative dentistry. It explains in detail the use of both classic and new restorative materials in various clinical situations. Clearly written and fully illustrated throughout, this practical step-by-step guide will be ideal for freshly-graduated dentists. This book answers many of the questions frequently posed by practitioners, encourages a less interventive philosophy and is an easy-to-use resource for practical dental procedures. It is well-prepared to incorporate the latest scientific developments and current research findings.

It Highlights the following key-features:

  • Richly illustrated, step-by-step descriptions of procedures presented with relevant photographs.
  • Contains an abundance of full colour, clinical illustrations to show the results that can be achieved in real life.
  • Many fresh illustrative color diagrams and tables added.
  • First chapter addresses brief review on general features of dental caries and how to diagnose it in the correct manner and caries risk assessment.
  • Then, there is another chapter addresses the various reactions of dental pulp to various stimuli and describes the various methods to protect it from different insults. Also it discusses direct and indirect pulp capping in very simple manner.
  • Also . this book have important chapter which is field isolation that discusses the different methods used in isolation of oral cavity focusing on rubber dam method. Also it illustrates how to isolate in very difficult clinical situations.
  • There is important chapter on summary of anatomical features of teeth that will enable dentists to restore defected teeth to the normal shape & size.
  • It also discusses adhesive systems used in dentistry. It also discusses the technique for esthetic composite restorations on posterior and anterior teeth.
  • Also not forget dental amalgam that the book illustrates it in very good way.
  • Also there special separate chapters to focus on class V . root caries & amp; fluoride-releasing restorative materials.
  • Furthermore it addresses the diagnosis of tooth sensitivity of non-carious origin, like dentin hypersensitivity, dental erosion and cracked tooth syndrome, together with their treatment options.


Ethics, Jurisprudence and Practice Management in Dental Hygiene (Kimbrough, Ethics, Juriprudence and Practice Management in Dental Hygiene) 3rd Edition

Ethics, Jurisprudence and Practice Management in Dental Hygiene (Kimbrough, Ethics, Juriprudence and Practice Management in Dental Hygiene) 3rd Edition

ETHICS, JURISPRUDENCE AND PRACTICE MANAGEMENT IN DENTAL HYGIENE, 3/e is the definitive, up-to-date guide to ethics, jurisprudence, and practice management for all dental hygiene students, new graduates, and licensed practitioners. The authors first introduce codes of ethics; discuss how ethical principles and moral values influence society, individual, and the profession; and cover crucial ethics-related topics such as informed consent. Next, they turn to practice management, showing how the dental practice must operate as a small business, and offering thorough career coverage. This edition’s extensive updates include: dental therapists and other alternative workforce models; regulatory changes; opportunities in forensics; comparisons with practice in Canada; and much more. Extensive new resources are provided on the MyHealthProfessionsKit website.


Clinical Atlas of Retreatment in Endodontics 1st Edition

Clinical Atlas of Retreatment in Endodontics 1st Edition


Explore a comprehensive pictorial guide to the retreatment of root canals and failed endodontic cases with step-by-step advice on retreatment management

Clinical Atlas of Retreatment in Endodontics delivers an image-based reference to the management of failed root canal cases. It provides evidence-based strategies and detailed clinical explanations to manage and retreat previous endodontically failed cases. It contains concrete evidence-based and practical techniques accompanied by full-colour, self-explanatory clinical photographs taking the reader through a journey of successful management of the failed clinical cases.

Using a variety of clinical cases, the book demonstrates why and how endodontic failures occur, how to prevent them, and how to manage them in clinical practice. It also emphasises on evaluating the restorability and prognosis of the tooth in order to make a proper case selection for providing retreatment. This book also discusses the various factors that can help the clinician to make a case for nonsurgical or surgical retreatment. Readers will benefit from the inclusion of clinical cases that provide:

  • A thorough introduction to perforation repair, with a clinical case that includes the repair of pulpal floor perforation caused due to excessive cutting of the floor of the pulp chamber
  • An explanation of various factors for instrument separation, supported with a case that includes the removal of a fractured instrument
  • Practical discussions of instrument retrieval, with a case that includes a fractured instrument at the apical third of mandibular molar
  • A step wise pictorial description for guided root canal therapy
  • Selective root canal treatment as a treatment option for retreatment of failed endodontic cases
  • A detailed clinical description for how to explore and modify the endodontic access cavity for locating extra/missed canals

Perfect for endodontists, endodontic residents, and general dentists, Clinical Atlas of Retreatment in Endodontics is also useful for undergraduate dental students and private practitioners who wish to improve their understanding of endodontic retreatment and are looking for a one-stop reference on the subject.


Fundamentals of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery- E-Book

Fundamentals of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery- E-Book

Fundamentals of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a classic text on basic oral and maxillofacial surgery focusing on the concepts of the subject. It provides clinical exposure through numerous patient photographs, short videos and sensitizes the students to evidence-based practice. It ensures a comprehensive coverage of skills to diagnose maxillofacial diseases and perform minor oral surgical procedures.

This book provides a strong foundation, has comprehensive coverage of syllabus, and imparts information in format which is easy to understand and remember. This will be invaluable to undergraduate dental students in their clinical years and provide basic knowledge to the postgraduates as well.

  • Additional chapters on:
  • Essential and basic topics like Drains, Electrocautery, Cryosurgery, Laser, Injections, Bone Healing, Delayed Union & Malunion which are not available in other contemporary books

  • Evidence-based oral and maxillofacial surgery, and

  • Research methodologies and statistical tools with focus on grant writing

  • Text supported with numerous illustrations and flowcharts for better understanding of concepts

  • Case-based questions to help students prepare for exams

  • MCQs  with answers at end of each chapter for self-evaluation

  • Digital Ancillaries:
  • Short videos of surgical procedures

  • Video lectures by stalwarts in the field

  • Numerous explanatory power-point presentations


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