Dental Secrets, 4e 4th Edition
Offering practical tips and expert answers to topics in dentistry and oral medicine, Dental Secrets, 4th Edition providesanideal preparation tool for exams, clinical rotations, and board certification. A concise, illustrated Q&A format covers key areas such as oral pathology and radiology, periodontology, endodontics, restorative dentistry, prosthodontics, orthodontics, infection control, and oral and maxillofacial surgery. Written by Stephen Sonis and a team of expert contributors, this mini-reference makes it easier to prepare for real-world clinical scenarios and review for the NBDE and other certification exams.
- Over 2,000 questions include concise answers for core topics in dentistry and oral medicine, providing valuable pearls, tips, memory aids, and ‘secrets.’
- Question-and-answer format makes thisthe perfect review tool for certification exams, a clinical refresher, or a quick reference guide.
- Over 100 illustrations, tables, and bulleted lists highlight key information.
- Expert contributors sharepractical tips, answers, and secrets on safe and effective dentistry practice.
- UPDATED content includes the latest advances in the science and practice of dentistry, including CBCT, CAMBRA, new methods for diagnosing caries, mini dental implants, platform switching, early childhood caries (ECC), and more.
- NEW illustrations provide high-quality dental images.
- NEW two-color design highlights questions and other features such as tables, boxes, and bulleted lists, making it easier to find information.
- Three NEW contributors ― Nathaniel Treister, Jennifer Frustino, and David Kim ― provide fresh insight in the chapters on treatment planning and oral diagnosis, periodontology, restorative dentistry, and prosthodontics.
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