clinical operative dentistry with illustrated colour atlas: dental restorative procedures: clinical conservative dentistry

clinical operative dentistry with illustrated colour atlas: dental restorative procedures: clinical conservative dentistry

This book is the ideal support at all freshly-graduated dentists. It aims to detail and justify the basic clinical procedures involved in conservative dentistry with the intention of reinforcing, understanding and improving clinical skills. It is also useful for clinicians wishing to update their treatment skills and broaden their understanding operative dentistry. It explains in detail the use of both classic and new restorative materials in various clinical situations. Clearly written and fully illustrated throughout, this practical step-by-step guide will be ideal for freshly-graduated dentists. This book answers many of the questions frequently posed by practitioners, encourages a less interventive philosophy and is an easy-to-use resource for practical dental procedures. It is well-prepared to incorporate the latest scientific developments and current research findings.

It Highlights the following key-features:

  • Richly illustrated, step-by-step descriptions of procedures presented with relevant photographs.
  • Contains an abundance of full colour, clinical illustrations to show the results that can be achieved in real life.
  • Many fresh illustrative color diagrams and tables added.
  • First chapter addresses brief review on general features of dental caries and how to diagnose it in the correct manner and caries risk assessment.
  • Then, there is another chapter addresses the various reactions of dental pulp to various stimuli and describes the various methods to protect it from different insults. Also it discusses direct and indirect pulp capping in very simple manner.
  • Also . this book have important chapter which is field isolation that discusses the different methods used in isolation of oral cavity focusing on rubber dam method. Also it illustrates how to isolate in very difficult clinical situations.
  • There is important chapter on summary of anatomical features of teeth that will enable dentists to restore defected teeth to the normal shape & size.
  • It also discusses adhesive systems used in dentistry. It also discusses the technique for esthetic composite restorations on posterior and anterior teeth.
  • Also not forget dental amalgam that the book illustrates it in very good way.
  • Also there special separate chapters to focus on class V . root caries & amp; fluoride-releasing restorative materials.
  • Furthermore it addresses the diagnosis of tooth sensitivity of non-carious origin, like dentin hypersensitivity, dental erosion and cracked tooth syndrome, together with their treatment options.



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