Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice, Sixth Edition 6th Edition

Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice, Sixth Edition 6th Edition

All the main concepts from the landmark Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach―distilled down to a concise, clinically focused, full-color resource

Pharmacotherapy Principles & Practice uses a solid evidence-based approach to teach you how to design, implement, monitor, and evaluate medication therapy. Updated with additional content and reflecting the latest findings, this sixth edition provides everything you need to gain an in-depth understanding of the underlying principles of the pharmacotherapy of disease―and their practical application. All chapters were written or reviewed by pharmacists, nurse practitioners, physician assists, and physicians recognized by authorities in their fields.

The book opens with an insightful introductory chapter and is followed by five chapters focused on specific populations: pediatrics, geriatrics, palliative care, critical care, and global health and travel medicine. The subsequent 97 disease-based chapters cover epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation and diagnosis, and nonpharmacologic therapy, followed by clear recommendations for medication selection, desired outcomes, dosing, and patient monitoring.

Features of the Sixth Edition:

  • Updated patient encounter cases sharpen critical-thinking skills and lend clinical relevant to scientific principles
  • New chapters cover: oCritical care pharmacotherapy
    oGlobal health and travel medicine
    oSystematic lupus erythematous
    oNose, mouth, and throat disorders
  • New content on circulatory shock syndromes, trauma-related anxiety disorder, otic disorders, and antimicrobial stewardship
  • Structured learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter
  • Key concepts, identified by icons, highlight the disease, patient assessment, and treatment
  • Patient care process section modeling the Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners (JCCP) Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process
  • Up-to-date literature citations for each chapter
  • Table, figures, algorithms, and defined medical abbreviations
  • Self-assessment questions and answers in the Online Learning Center
  • Valuable table of common laboratory tests and reference ranges



Stockley’s Drug Interactions, 8th Edition

Stockley’s Drug Interactions, 8th Edition 

First published over twenty years ago, “Stockley’s Drug Interactions” is still the most indispensable and authoritative international source of drug interaction information. Based upon the many thousands of published clinical papers and reports, it provides a series of detailed yet concise monographs designed for quick and easy reference. Each monograph contains a summary, clinical evidence for the interaction under discussion, its probable mechanism, clinical importance and management. Individual interactions are assembled alphabetically into chapters, grouped therapeutically, pharmacologically or individually. Both Recommended International Nonproprietary Names (rINN) and US Adopted Names (USAN) are used throughout the book.


Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy 1st Edition

Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy 1st Edition

Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy: Concepts and Applications exploresthe novel antimicrobial therapeutic technique. As the world searches for new, efficient modalities for fighting microorganisms, this book offers a complete understanding of the concept, and knowledge about the emerging technique ‘antimicrobial photodynamic therapy’ (aPDT) for the scientific communities and budding researchers. The book aligns concepts, significance, and applications of the technique systematically. Chapters in the book cover microorganisms, pathogenesis, conventional treatment methods, and significance of new treatment approaches to the concept of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy. The authors describe the mechanism behind it, with applications and examples from research studies. The book discusses photosensitisers in detail, with one chapter emphasising natural photosensitisers. Use of nanostructures in the antimicrobial photodynamic therapy is elaborated on, and we conclude with a well-explored application of the therapeutic technique in dentistry.


  • Efficiently covers the topic in detail with scientifically proven examples.

  • Applications of the therapeutic approach are well discussed, and readers can learn about the research gaps, challenges, and future of the technique.

  • Starts from basics, enabling readers to understand why the approach is relevant and important for study.

  • Simplistic elucidated concepts and applications make it accessible at all levels.


Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 11th Edition

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 11th Edition

Unique among medical texts, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine is a complete and concise guide to the core areas of medicine that also encourages thinking about the world from the patient’s perspective, to develop a holistic approach to care with a passion for practice.

Now in its eleventh edition, this renowned Handbook has been fully updated to reflect the latest changes in clinical practice and best management, filled with expert knowledge, practical advice, and reassurance. In the tradition of bringing new voices to each edition, three authors have joined the writing team, bringing a fresh perspective to the content. The chapters on emergencies, endocrinology and diabetes, haematology, oncology, and surgery have been completely revamped, and every page has been reviewed by a consultant and a trainee to ensure it continues to be accurate, relevant, and user-friendly. Figures and illustrations have been carefully revised and updated in response to reader feedback, and key references fine-tuned to include only the most up-to-date and pertinent.

Loved and trusted by millions for almost four decades, the unparalleled 
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine continues to be your reliable and truly indispensable companion for the practice and philosophy of modern medicine. The warmth and wisdom you will find in these pages will help you become the doctor you want to be.


Injectable Drugs Guide 1st Edition

Injectable Drugs Guide 1st Edition

The administration of drugs by injection is an essential activity that is performed daily in many healthcare settings. This guide provides a user friendly, single point of reference for healthcare professionals in the safe and effective administration of injectable medicines. Injectable Drugs Guide consists of an A-Z of approximately 300 injectable drugs in monograph format, each covering the following topics: pre-treatment checks; dosing regimens; preparation and administration; compatibility and stability information; monitoring requirements during treatment; side effects, interactions and pharmacokinetic information. The Injectable Drugs Guide is designed to support the NPSA risk assessment process and each drug has a risk rating. The book provides a holistic approach to injectable medicines to meet the needs of the many disciplines involved in the clinical use of injectables and also those providing advice about injectable drug use. The online version of this book is available on Medicines Complete ( where content will be regularly updated.



Rossi’s Principles of Transfusion Medicine 6th Edition

Rossi’s Principles of Transfusion Medicine 6th Edition


Transfusion Medicine impacts patients with hematologic, oncologic, and surgical conditions as well as all areas of critical care medicine and multiple areas of chronic care. This book aims to be the single best source for information related to any aspect or application of Transfusion Medicine.

Contributors for the sixth edition have once again been drawn from various scientific, medical, and surgical disciplines. Thus, this book ranges from encouraging and managing donors, to collecting and preserving the blood, to matching it to the appropriate recipient, all the way to its clinical uses. It also extends these concepts to implantable tissue and regenerative medicine. Other sample topics covered within the work include:

  • Contemporary issues in donation and transfusion: patient blood management, clinical and technical aspects of blood administration, and donor and patient Hemovigilance
  • Blood components and derivatives: red blood cell metabolism, preservation and oxygen delivery, blood groups, and composition of plasma
  • Apheresis, transplantation, and new therapies: hematopoietic growth factors, therapeutic phlebotomy and cellular apheresis, HLA antigens, alleles, and antibodies
  • How Transfusion Medicine has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic, the role of pathogen reduction and other modern trends

This book serves as a complete and comprehensive resource on Transfusion Medicine for clinicians who prescribe blood, students who expect to enter clinical practice, and for the scientists, physicians, nurses, technologists, and others who assure the quality and availability of blood services.


The Renal Drug Handbook: The Ultimate Prescribing Guide for Renal Practitioners, 5th Edition

The Renal Drug Handbook: The Ultimate Prescribing Guide for Renal Practitioners, 5th Edition

This invaluable guide, endorsed by the UKMi and reflecting the extensive experience of the UK Renal Pharmacy Group, features drug monographs guiding physicians in how to prescribe, prepare, and administer drugs to patients with different levels of kidney function and when undergoing renal replacement therapy. It has been fully updated for this fifth edition to include up to 100 additional drugs, while maintaining the clear structure and format that is easy to use and simple to follow in the busy clinical setting. It continues to offer support and guidance to health care professionals enabling them to prescribe medications to their renal patients appropriately and safely.


Pediatric Pharmacotherapy 1st Edition

Pediatric Pharmacotherapy 1st Edition

Pediatric Pharmacotherapy focuses on the unique therapeutic needs of neonates, infants, children, and adolescents. Patients in these age groups offer challenges distinct from those of adult patients. Drugs behave differently in this population—medications may not be absorbed, distributed, metabolized, or eliminated in the same manner as in adults, causing increased or decreased efficacy or safety. For a long time, pharmacotherapy educators have been without a source for concise pediatric-specific pharmacotherapy information. In order to close this gap in the literature, ACCP has recruited experts in pediatric pharmacy to write this comprehensive textbook—a resource essential for students, residents, and any clinician involved in the care of pediatric patients. Contents include information on specific disease states, as well as drug selection and use, monitoring of effectiveness and toxicity, prevention of medication errors, and patient/caregiver education. Chapters cover the intro


PTCE: Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam Premium: 4 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Practice (Barron’s Test Prep)

PTCE: Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam Premium: 4 Practice Tests + Comprehensive Review + Online Practice (Barron’s Test Prep)

Barron’s PTCE: Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam includes in-depth content review and online practice. It’s the only book you’ll need to be prepared for exam day.

Written by Experienced Educators

  • Learn from Barron’s–all content is written and reviewed by instructors who have vast experience teaching pharmacy technician courses to prepare students for certification
  • Build your understanding with comprehensive review tailored to the most recent exam blueprint
  • Get a leg up with tips, strategies, and advice for scheduling your exam, exam day itself, and recertification–it’s like having a trusted tutor by your side

Be Confident on Exam Day

  • Sharpen your test-taking skills with 4 full-length practice tests–3 in the book (including a pretest to target your studying), and 1 more online 
  • Strengthen your knowledge with in-depth review covering all major topics and knowledge domains on the latest exam blueprint
  • Reinforce your learning with practice questions at the end of each chapter
  • Expand your review with a series of appendices that cover the top 200 medications, common vitamins and natural supplements, frequently used pharmacy abbreviations and medical terminology, and much more

Online Practice

  • Continue your practice with 1 full-length practice test on Barron’s Online Learning Hub
  • Simulate the exam experience with a timed test option
  • Deepen your understanding with detailed answer explanations and expert advice
  • Gain confidence with scoring to check your learning progress


Neonatology Questions and Controversies: Infectious Disease, Immunology, and Pharmacology (Neonatology: Questions & Controversies) 2nd Edition

Neonatology Questions and Controversies: Infectious Disease, Immunology, and Pharmacology (Neonatology: Questions & Controversies) 2nd Edition

Dr. Richard Polin’s Neonatology Questions and Controversies series highlights the toughest challenges facing physicians and care providers in clinical practice, offering trustworthy guidance on up-to-date diagnostic and treatment options in the field. In each volume, renowned experts address the clinical problems of greatest concern to today’s practitioners, helping you handle difficult practice issues and provide optimal, evidence-based care to every patient.

The thoroughly updated, full-color, 2nd Edition of Infectious Disease, Immunology, and Pharmacology: 

  • Provides a clear management strategy for common and rare neonatal infectious diseases, offering guidance based on the most up-to-date understanding of underlying pathophysiology. 
  • Places emphasis on controversial areas that can entail different approaches. 
  • Features the most current clinical information throughout, including a new immunology section that covers inborn errors of immunity presenting in the newborn period and clinical and molecular markers for diagnosis of neonatal sepsis. 
  • Includes new chapters on COVID-19; congenital syphilis; gonococcal eye prophylaxis; organ dysfunction in sepsis and necrotizing enterocolitis; and drug-associated acute kidney injury. 
  • Utilizes a consistent chapter organization to help you find information quickly and easily, and contains numerous charts, graphs, radiographic images, and photographs throughout. 
  • Offers the most authoritative advice available from world-class neonatologists who share their knowledge of new trends and developments in neonatal care. 

Purchase each volume individually, or get the entire 7-volume Neonatology Questions and Controversies set, which includes online access that allows you to search across all titles! 

  • Gastroenterology and Nutrition 
  • Hematology and Transfusion Medicine 
  • Neonatal Hemodynamics 
  • Infectious Disease, Immunology, and Pharmacology 
  • Renal, Fluid, and Electrolyte Disorders 
  • Neurology 
  • The Newborn Lung 


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