Principles and Practice of Pediatric Neurosurgery 3rd Edition

Principles and Practice of Pediatric Neurosurgery 3rd Edition
Principles and Practice of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Third Edition is a completely revised edition of the most authoritative guide to the management of pediatric neurosurgical disorders encountered in clinical practice. Written by leaders in the field, it provides pediatric neurosurgeons with a clear understanding of the current standards of practice and treatment in the subspecialty.
Key Features:
- Now in full color, with more than 1,000 images
- An increased emphasis on clinical management strategies in pediatric neurosurgery
- Seven new chapter topics, including cellular therapy for pediatric neurosurgical disease, conjoined twins, lipomeningoceles, and skeletal syndromes
- Pearls and pitfalls in every chapter
This book is an essential reference for all residents and practitioners in pediatric neurosurgery and pediatric neurology.