Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide: Primary Care 5th Edition


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Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certification Review Guide: Primary Care has been developed especially for Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and Family Nurse Practitioners preparing to take certification examinations and as a reference in the practice setting. The text is divided into systems with an in-depth coverage of growth and development and health promotion and maintenance. The common disorders of the various body systems provide succinct summaries of definitions, etiology, signs and symptoms, clinical findings, differential diagnoses, diagnostic tests\findings, and management\treatment. The final chapter addresses PNP role development, current trends and health policy issues including topics such as credentialing, legal issues, legislation, reimbursement and delivery systems. Following each chapter are test questions, which are intended to serve as an introduction to the testing arena. In addition a bibliography is included for those who need a more in-depth discussion of the subject matter in each chapter.