Physicians’ Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual 2010 (Jones and Bartlett Series in Oncology(physician’s Cancer Che) 10th Edition

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Includes free CD-ROM! Completely revised and updated for 2010, the Physicians’ Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual is an up-to-date guide with the latest information on standard therapy and recent advances in chemotherapy. Written by world-class experts in the clinical cancer therapeutics, this essential reference provides a complete, easy-to-use catalogue of over 100 drugs and commonly used drug regimens – both on-and off-label – or the treatment of all major cancers. Special features include: * New drugs: Degarelix, Everolimius, and Nelarabine * Revised to reflect rapid advances in the field, incorporating new drug and treatment strategies * Diagrams of drug structures and pathways for each agent * Offers a comprehensive discussion of clinical pharmacology, special considerations, indications, and dosages * Covers toxicity and drug-drug interactions * Includes a section on osteogenic sarcoma and chemotherapy regimens for all major cancers * Provides an overview of the basic principles of cancer drug therapy * Contains an easy to load and use CD-ROM version PDA version of Physicians’ Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual also available!
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