Morgan and Mikhail’s Clinical Anesthesiology, 5th edition 5th Edition

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The most user-friendly, clinically relevant overview of the practice of anesthesiology

A Doody’s Core Title for 2015!

Current, concise, and engagingly written, Morgan & Mikhail’s Clinical Anesthesiology, Fifth Edition is a true essential for all anesthesia students and practitioners. This trusted classic delivers comprehensive coverage of the field’s must-know basic science and clinical topics in a clear, easy-to-understand presentation. Indispensable for coursework, exam review, and as a clinical refresher, this trusted text has been extensively updated to reflect the latest research and developments.

Here’s why Clinical Anesthesiology is the best anesthesiology resource:

  • NEW full-color presentation
  • NEW chapters on the most pertinent topics in anesthesiology, including anesthesia outside of the operating room and a revamped peripheral nerve blocks chapter that details ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia
  • Up-to-date discussion of all relevant areas within anesthesiology, including equipment, pharmacology, regional anesthesia, pathophysiology, pain management, and critical care
  • Case discussions promote application of the concepts to real-world practice
  • Numerous tables and figures encapsulate important information and facilitate memorization