Learning Microbiology through Clinical Consultation 1st Edition
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An understanding of microbiology is an essential part of the medicine curriculum and key knowledge for a working doctor. Learning Microbiology through Clinical Consultation presents medical students and newly qualified doctors with a wealth of case scenarios for developing understanding of microbiology in the practice setting.
Spanning 14 categories of infection, the cases within the book let the reader listen-in to clinical consultations with patients exhibiting an array of symptoms, and allow them to observe the examination and specimen taking techniques, hear what advice should be given, and how the consultation can be drawn to a close. The swabs taken in the story and the results obtained provide a clear link to the more technical information on microbiology which is then discussed. By this means each topic is embedded in clinical practice, with the relevant microbiological information being brought to the fore.
By integrating the underlying science of microbiology, the symptoms presented by the patients, the consultation process, and information about the key microbes commonly associated with each infection, the book is ideal to use on a problem-based, systems-based course, or for a newly qualified doctor practicing independently.
Learning Microbiology through Clinical Consultation is a highly accessible text that describes the basic science of microbiology within the practice setting in an insightful and informative way. It is not only an ideal resource for medical students and newly qualified doctors, but one that is relevant to anyone contemplating studying medicine or preparing for medical school interviews.
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