Imaging of the Chest, 2-Volume Set: Expert Radiology Series, 1e 1st Edition


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A world renowned group of experts brings you an exhaustive full-color two-volume reference to help you effectively select and interpret the best imaging studies for the challenges you face in diagnosing diseases of the chest. They cover every aspect of chest radiology, including the latest diagnostic modalities and interventional techniques. Examples of cutting-edge modalities such as multislice CT, breath-hold MR, and PET-CT are balanced with conventional radiographic images, enabling you to compare and contrast findings from all imaging modalities. More than 3,100 digital-quality illustrations (with 650 in full color) offer exceptional detail and clarity, and user-friendly features including key points boxes and classic signs put today’s best practices at your fingertips.

  • Offers advice from a diverse group of experts from around the globe, providing you with a wide range of options and perspectives to help you overcome difficult challenges.
  • Presents radiographic images as well as multislice CT, high-resolution CT, and when appropriate, MR, PT, CT-PET, ultrasonography, and pathologic findings so you can easily compare results.
  • Incorporates characteristic clinical manifestations of the various entities to facilitate differential diagnosis and to help you fully understand the patterns and distribution of abnormalities.
  • Structures every chapter consistently to include pathophysiology, imaging techniques, imaging findings, differential diagnosis, and treatment options so you can make the best informed decisions.
  • Provides boxes highlighting “what the referring physician needs to know”, to assist you with report writing, as well as suggestions for treatment and future imaging studies.
  • Uses more than 3,100 superior, large digital-quality images (650 in full color) depicting all of the chest imaging findings you’re likely to see, and helping you distinguish between conditions with similar presentations.
  • Includes color artwork that lets you easily find critical anatomic views of diseases and injuries.
  • Features a full-color design throughout, color-coded tables, classic signs boxes, and bulleted lists that highlight key concepts and get you to the information you need quickly.

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