Global Orthopedics 2nd edition
Global Orthopedics: Caring for Musculoskeletal Conditions and Injuries in Austere Settings 2nd ed

Global Orthopedics 2nd ed
Now in a revised and expanded second edition, this unique text discusses the opportunities and challenges to the practice of orthopedic surgery in resource-limited environments around the world. Sensibly divided into thematic sections, part I examines barriers to care, from the poorly recognized global burden of orthopedic conditions and the less than ideal equipment to the cultural considerations and ethical dilemmas inherent in such situations. General clinical topics are covered in part II, such as non-surgical approaches and anesthesia, while the remaining sections discuss adult and pediatric trauma, presented in an anatomical format for easy reference with a focus on the natural history and the best treatment methods within existing limitations, followed by musculoskeletal infections, non-infectious pediatric conditions, reconstruction, and amputations. Topics new to this edition include the management of non-unions by induced membrane techniques, autologous bone grafting, bone growth and burn charts, the management of neck and back pain, and principles of orthopedic rehabilitation.
Written and edited by experts with years of experience working in austere settings, this second edition of Global Orthopedics is a seamless transition from the original and expands the range of possible management strategies in places desperate for orthopedic care, making it a must for all surgeons and practitioners planning to work in such challenging settings.